Friend of mine has girlfriend of 5 years who must stop intercourse after 10 minutes. She used to be very promiscous. I think this almost has to be psychological. Opinions?
If she has to stop after 10 minutes then she is effectivly giving him 10 minutes to bust a nut. Thats alot of pressure unless the pressure is already built up...if ya know what I mean.
If you met this chick in a club and asked her if you could hit think she would say..yeh but just for 10 minutes???
She just has to stop it for some reason. Sounds fucked up to me. Too bad, she is a fun girl otherwise. Extremely flirtatous. I was thinking about hitting it before he became my friend.
thats shit is whack - if some chick i was railing just decided to just stop and get off, i would put her the fuck back on until i get a great reason or get my orgasm (whichever happen to occur first)
also if your freind has not asked her why yet, perhaps that would be a good starting point.
If he decapitated her, he would have unlimited access to both vaginal, anal, and slightly modified oral sex, as well as the golden opportunity to wound fuck her neck - now lubricated with fresh blood.