Great work brother.... You are progressing so well. I love the fact that you and puttinbuttin are working out now. Once she gets into like I have maybe we can go to a strongman comp and compete against one another. I have shown the bluegrass comp to several people at work and now the guys are so impressed that I actually pushed a suburban that they want to do it just so they don't feel like little weaklings... ) hahaha Some of the ladies have made comments about my bruises and where they came from....I think they have taken the notion exodus took his aggression out on me but once I explain to them about the Hstone they just look at me like i'm insane.....HA I love those looks.... Tell puttinbuttin to post her workout too. I need to compare numbers!!!!!!!
Hey now that I'm on my way to getting bigger he better watch out. If he makes me mad he will have a challenge HAHAHA. Yes I was definately hoarse after the contest from all the yelling. I have to get in his face and let him know that I am there supporting him 100%. Otherwise he may think I'm not paying attention......and oh boy does he love the attention LOL..