I have found that I can bench about 2 times what I bench 30 times. So when I was hitting 225 for thirty reps I was benching about 440. Now I am in the 36-39 rep range with 225 and I bench about 505. This guy would be benching 1,000 pounds raw. I think it is a misprint and they meant 225 or even 315 possibly. I am going to have to belive that he is not pressing 700 pounds with no aas. The fact is he has to deny it because of his job. In all reality he was probably brought in because of his aas knowledge.
I have seen a guy do it 53 times, he weighed 420 pounds and had about a 68 inch chest at about 5'10 so his stroke was about 4 inches...lol...still there are freakish people out there but no one benches 500 pounds 37 times in a row. Maybe he did like 20 sets of 5 or something...lol