Just wanted to show some support for the great customer service on first order with SARMS4SALE! Received the goods 2 days after purchase.
20% off sale is still up so don't miss out!
Unfortunately i had to have surgery and wont be cleared to lift for another week but i plan on keeping this thread updated for anyone that might be interested in trying out this stack! Big thanks to Dylan for all the info and support
12 weeks:
GW-50156 (cardarine)
Rad-140 (Testelone)
SR-9009 (Stenabolic)
S-4 (Andarine)

20% off sale is still up so don't miss out!
Unfortunately i had to have surgery and wont be cleared to lift for another week but i plan on keeping this thread updated for anyone that might be interested in trying out this stack! Big thanks to Dylan for all the info and support
12 weeks:
GW-50156 (cardarine)
Rad-140 (Testelone)
SR-9009 (Stenabolic)
S-4 (Andarine)