New member
Since this is always such a popular subject on this board, I thought I would post this study that was just published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal. I apologize for the length, as I am posting the full-length article, instead of just the abstract. I hyperlinked the references at the bottom.
There are two tables that do not seem to post properly no matter how I cut and paste them.
Table One:
Caloric cost of resistance exercise
70 kg male
Vigorous weight training*
6.0 METs or 7.2 kcal/min*
60 mm weight training x
7.2 kcal/min = 432 kcal
Caloric cost of aerobic exercise
70 kg male
Vigorous running (11.5 min/mile)*
9.0 METs or 10.8 kcal/min*
60 mm running x 10.8 kcal/min =
648 kcal
* ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (4th ed.), 2001.
© National Strength & Conditioning Association Volume 24, Number 1, pages 65-69
The Role of Resistance Exercise in Weight Loss
Jeffrey L. Alexander, MS
Arizona State University-East
Keywords: resistance exercise; weight loss; body fat reduction; resting metabolic rate; fat
oxidation; energy expenditure
• What Is the Role of Weight Training in Weight Loss?
achieved through the creation of a negative energy balance, wherein the amount of energy taken in is less than the amount burned or utilized through physical activity and/or exercise. There are 2 fac-tors to energy balance: energy in-take and energy expenditure. Weight loss can only be achieved through modifying one or both of these factors. The focus of this re-port is on energy expenditure, keeping in mind that any reduc-tion in energy intake will add to the effects of energy expenditure in creating a negative energy bal-ance and a resultant loss in body mass.
• Can WeightTraining or
Resistance Exercise
Significantly Contribute to the Creation of a Negative Energy
In comparison to aerobic exercise such as jogging or cycling, resis-tance exercise appears to have less of an impact on direct caloric
expenditure and on creating a
negative energy balance (Table 1). For example, vigorous resistance exercise might burn only 66% of the calories of vigorous aerobic ex-ercise during the same amount of exercise time. However, rest times between resistance exercises as normally performed during weight training were not accounted for in this example; thus, the amount of calories expended during an hour of resistance exercise was likely overestimated.
Despite the relatively low caloric cost of resistance exercise, this mode of exercise may significantly
affect energy expenditure, but more through indirect than through di-rect means. The indirect effects of resistance exercise on energy ex-penditure are mainly through in-creasing resting metabolic rate (RMR). Resistance exercise also en-hances fat loss specifically through enhanced postexercise fat utiliza-tion, which will aid in weight loss and improved body composition.
Increased RMR
RMR is the amount of energy ex-pended by the body at rest and ac-counts for about 70% of daily energy expenditure (1). An increase in RMR can have a significant im-pact on total energy expenditure and the creation of a negative en-ergy balance. This increase in RMR is especially important when taking into consideration that RMR is generally depressed dur-ing caloric restriction, as when in-dividuals are dieting (13).
Resistance training may sig-nificantly increase RMR by (a) in-creasing fat-free mass (FFM), (b) increasing plasma catecholamine levels, and (c) through acute or postexercise effects.
Increasing FFM
RMR is highly correlated with FFM, which is body mass ac-counted for by muscle, bone, and organ tissue. Because mus-cle mass is the only component of FFM than can be significant-ly altered, the 2 terms will be used synonymously. Muscle mass alone contributes about 22% to RMR (3). Consequently, any gain or loss of FFM may po-tentially alter an individual’s
A number of researchers have looked at the effects of resistance exercise on FFM and subsequent-ly on RMR. For example, in 1992, Ballor and Poehiman (2), using a cross-sectional design, assessed the effects of resistance exercise on RMR against a sedentary con-trol. The resistance-trained group had an average of 2.6 kg more FFM and -7% higher RMR than did the sedentary control group. In 1994, Campbell et a!. (5) exam-ined the effects of a 12-week resis-tance training program on energy expenditure in 12 previously un-trained men and women. At the end of the 12 weeks, the FFM in-creased by 1.4 kg and RMR in-creased 6.8%. When the increase in RMR was expressed relative to FFM, the change in RMR was no
longer significant, suggesting that RMR increased in these partici-pants based on their muscle or FFM gain.
In addition to increasing RMR through FFM, resistance exercise can help maintain muscle mass and RMR during diet-induced weight loss. During a very low calorie diet (VLCD), significant weight loss occurs. Without exer-cise, body fat is lost but muscle mass is also significantly wasted. The result of a significant loss of FFM due to dieting is a reduction in RMR.
Participating in resistance ex-ercise during a VLCD maintains and may even increase FFM. A number of studies support this claim (4, 6). Recently, Bryner et al. (4) examined the effects on FFM and RMR of an 800-calorie diet (VLCD) plus resistance train-ing or aerobic training. Twenty participants were randomized into aerobic exercise plus VLCD or resistance exercise plus VLCD so that the group was evenly dis-tributed between both protocols. The aerobic exercise group lost a significant amount of FFM, but the resistance exercise group maintained FFM throughout the 12 weeks of training. Conse-quently, RMR decreased in the aerobic exercise group but in-creased in the resistance exercise group.
In 1993, Donnelly et al. (6) conducted a study to examine whether muscle hypertrophy or increases in muscle size could occur during severe caloric re-striction (803.1 kcal/d) with resis-tance exercise. Fourteen obese fe-males were recruited for the study and were randomized to either a diet only (C) or a diet plus weight training (WT) group. Women in both groups lost a significant amount of weight; however, the WT group demonstrated signifi-
cant muscular hypertrophy after the 12 weeks of training, but there was no change in the C group. This study suggests that even dur-ing severe caloric restriction mus-cular hypertrophy is not altered during a resistance exercise pro-gram. Maintenance of or an in-crease in FFM will result in main-tenance or an increase in RMR.
In light of the studies re-viewed, resistance exercise may maintain and perhaps increase RMR in dieting and nondieting in-dividuals through an increase or maintenance of FFM.
Increasing Plasma
Catecholamine Levels
Endurance training increases plasma norepinephrine levels (10). The increase in norepinephririe re-suits in an increased carbohy-drate (CHO) and lipid metabolism or breakdown and thus an in-crease in RMR. If the same is true for resistance training, an in-crease in norepinephrine levels should increase RMR. In one study, the effects of resistance ex-ercise on norepinephrine levels in the blood were examined.
In 1994, Prately et ad. (11) per-formed a study that looked at the effect of resistance training on RMR and norepinephrine levels in older men. Thirteen older men (-58 years old) participated in a 16-week heavy strength-training program. RMR and plasma norep-inephrine levels were measured before the program started and after completion. RMR increased significantly (7.7%) as did plasma norepinephrine levels (36%). The results of this study suggest that resistance training increases plas-ma catecholamine levels, resulting in a contribution to increased RMR. The exact contribution of catecholamine levels to RMR was not determined in this study and is still unclear.
Postexercise Effects on RMR
During recovery from exercise, metabolic rate is maintained above resting values, a phenome-non referred to as excess postex-ercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC may significantly contribute to energy expenditure. However, it has been suggested that for EPOC to significantly con-tribute to energy expenditure after resistance exercise the training must be strenuous (requiring a high volume with a large number of sets and moderate resistance or intensity) (11). The results of sev-eral studies support this hypothe-sis (7, 9).
In 1993, Melby et al. (7) con-ducted a study to examine the acute effects of resistance training on postexercise energy expendi-ture and RMR. Seven male partic-ipants completed 90 minutes of resistance exercise; RMR was then measured for 2 hours postexercise and again the next morning (-15 hours postexercise). RMR re-mained elevated for the 2 hours postexercise and after 15 hours RIVIR continued to remain elevat-ed (+9.4%). Similar results were recently found in female partici-pants following a similar program (9). RMR remained elevated for 3-hours postexercise and remained elevated the morning after exer-cise (+4.2%).
These studies demonstrate the potential for resistance exercise to contribute to energy expenditure. However, because the resistance exercise sessions performed in the previous studies were strenuous (high volume), nonathletes may struggle with or be unable to com-plete such a routine. When devel-oping a resistance training proto-col for untrained individuals with weight loss as a primary goal, strength and conditioning profes-sionals should start the partici-
pant at a lower intensity and grad-ually progress the individual to an intensity appropriate for eliciting maximal increases in RMR.
The contribution of resistance exercise to RMR through in-creased FFM, elevated cate-cholamine levels, and EPOC has been established. Through in-creasing RMR, resistance exercise may contribute to increased daily energy expenditure, net negative energy balance, and therefore in-creased weight loss.
U Increased Fat Oxidation
Fat oxidation, in the simplest terms, is the breaking down of fat for energy. Resistance exercise can cause an increase in fat oxi-dation both acutely and chroni-cally (7, 11). The mechanism by which fat oxidation acutely in-creases is thought to be the in-creased use of CHO to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles (7). Glycogen is the stored form of glu-cose that supplies the muscles with energy during exercise. Be-cause CHO is being stored at a greater rate after exercise than be-fore exercise, the body must utilize fat as a primary source for energy. Increases in fat oxidation may also be attributed to an increase in cat-echolamines, which results in an increased rate of lipolysis or fat oxidation (11).
A few researchers have looked at this relationship between resis-tance exercise and fat oxidation. Recently, Osterberg and Melby (9) measured the effects of resistance exercise on RMR and fat oxida-tion. These authors discovered a 62% increase in fat oxidation 16 hours postexercise. Trueth et a!. (12) found similar results in elder-ly women (12). After 16 weeks of resistance training, resting fat ox-idation had increased by 63% and 24-hour fat oxidation had in-
creased by 93%. The resistance training program used by Trueth et al. was fairly moderate, with a lower volume than that of Oster-berg and Melby. There may be dif-ferences in the effects of resis-tance exercise on fat oxidation in elderly compared with young indi-viduals. If such differences exist, strength and conditioning profes-sionals should take age into con-sideration when prescribing a re-sistance exercise routine for fat or weight loss. Nonetheless, the re-sults for both studies suggest that resistance exercise may play an important role in increasing fat oxidation and, consequently, in-creasing body fat loss.
• Summary
The benefits of regular exercise for weight loss have been established for many years. Traditionally, aer-obic exercise has been prescribed because of its ability to directly af-fect energy balance. Often when calorie restriction is used, body fat is lost but muscle mass is also lost, depending on the severity of the caloric restriction. The loss of muscle mass may result in a de-crease in RMR, which is con-traindicated for weight loss or maintenance of weight after weight loss. Hence, maintaining muscle mass during and after weight loss is an important com-ponent to any weight loss pro-gram.
Resistance exercise has an in-direct impact on weight and fat loss through increasing RMR and enhancing fat oxidation. Increas-ing or maintaining muscle mass or FFM, increasing serum cate-cholamine levels, and enhancing postexercise utilization of energy are all factors that play a role in the ability of resistance exercise to increase RMR. Because resistance exercise maintains or increases muscle mass, even during severe caloric restriction, RMR will re-main elevated or will be main-tained during weight loss. In addi-tion to increased RMR, the rate of fat oxidation is affected both acutely and chronically.
Table Two:
1. Bench press
2. Angled leg press
3. Overhead shoulder press
4. Supine hamstring curl
5. Seated pulley row
6. Knee extension
7. Preacher bicep curl
8. Standing calf raise
9. Lying tricep extension
10. Abdominal crunches
1 10—12
1 10—15
1 10-12
1 10—15
1 10—12
1 10—15
1 10-12
1 10—15
1 10-12
Rest intervals
* Lifts are to be completed in the order listed.
f Rest is defined as rest between lifts and then between sets as individuals perform 2 or more sets.
Practical Application:
What Should Strength and Conditioning Professionals Recommend to Those Who Seek Weight Loss as a Desired Goal (Referring to Exercise)?
Strength and conditioning profes-sionals should prescribe a combi-nation of aerobic exercise and re-sistance exercise for directly burning calories and for indirect-ly burning calories and maintain-ing lean body mass, respectively. For the untrained person, a resis-tance training program should be low volume and low intensity (1 set, 10—12 repetitions maximum ERM]) and should gradually build to a routine with higher volume and moderate intensity (3 or 4 sets, 8—12 PM) to elicit increases
in RMR (Table 2). For a trained in-dividual, simply increase the number of sets, increase the in-tensity, and adjust the number of repetitions accordingly. The exer-cises are ordered in an alternating upper-body and lower-body man-ner to ensure adequate recovery between exercises (8). Through the use of aerobic and resistance ex-ercise, optimal body weight and physical fitness may be obtained. For fitness professionals, the im-portance of aerobic and resistance exercise is clear: to achieve opti-mal health and body weight, we need both. A
• References
1. American College of Sports
Medicine. ACSM’s Resource
Manual for Guidelines for Exer-cise Testing and Prescription
(4th ed.) Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins, 2001.
2. Ballor, D.L., and E.T. Poehl-man. Resting metabolic rate and coronary-heart-disease risk factors in aerobically and resistance-trained women.
Am. J. Clin. Nuti 56:968-974. 1992.
3. Bray, G.A., C. Bouchard, and
W.P.T. James. Handbook of
Obesity. New York: Marcel
Dekker, 1998.
4. Bryner, R.W., I.H. Ullrich, J. Sauers, D. Donley, G. Horns-by, M. Kolar, and R. Yeater. Ef-fects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate. J. Am. Coil. Nutr. 18:115-121. 1999.
5. Campbell, W.W., M.C. Crim, V.R. Young, and W.J. Evans. Increased energy require-ments and changes in body composition with resistance training in older adults. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60:167—175. 1994.
6. Donnelly, J.E., T. Sharp, J. Houmard, M.G. Carlson, J.O. Hill, J.E. Whately, and R.G. Is-rael. Muscle hypertrophy with large-scale weight loss and re-sistance training. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 58:561—565. 1993.
7. Melby, C., C. Scholl, G. Ed-wards, and R. Builough. Effect of acute resistance exercise on postexercise energy expendi-ture and resting metabolic rate. J. AppL PhysioL 75:1847-1853. 1993.
8. National Strength and Condi-tioning Association. Essentials of Strength Training and Con-ditioning (2nd ed.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2000.
9. Osterberg, K., and C. Melby. Effect of acute resistance exer-cise on postexercise oxygen consumption and resting metabolic rate in young women. Int. J. Sports Nutr. Exerc. Metab. 10:71-81. 2000.
10. Poehlman, E.T., and E. Danforth. Endurance training in-creases metabolic rate and norepinephrine appearance rate in older individuals. Am .J. Physiol. 26 1(Endocrinology
Metabolism 24): E233—E239.1991.
11. Prately, R., B. Nicklas, M. Rubin, J. Miller, A. Smith, M. Smith, B. Hurley, and A. Gold-berg. Strength training in-creases resting metabolic rate and norepinephrine levels in healthy 50- to 65-yr old men. J. Appi. Physioi. 76:133-137. 1994.
12.Trueth, M.S., G.R. Hunter, R.L. Weinsier, and S.H. Kell. Energy expenditure and sub-strate utilization in older women after strength training: 24-h calorimeter results. J. Appl. Physioi. 78:2140—2146. 1995.
13.Wadden, T.A., G.D. Foster, K.A. Letizia. and J.L. Mullen. Long-term effects of dieting on resting metabolic rate in obese outpatients. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 264:707—711. 1990
Jeffrey L. Alexander, MS, ACSM-ES, is a doctoral student in Exer-cise and Wellness at Arizona State University-East. He obtained a BS in Health Promotion and an MS in Exercise Physiology and is an ad-junct faculty member at the Chan-dler-Gilbert Community Colleges, Williams and Pecos Campus. His research focus is on strength training as a prevention and treat-ment for cardiovascular disease and related chronic diseases.
Quick Reference for Abstracts:
1. None available.
3. None available.
8. None available.
There are two tables that do not seem to post properly no matter how I cut and paste them.
Table One:
Caloric cost of resistance exercise
70 kg male
Vigorous weight training*
6.0 METs or 7.2 kcal/min*
60 mm weight training x
7.2 kcal/min = 432 kcal
Caloric cost of aerobic exercise
70 kg male
Vigorous running (11.5 min/mile)*
9.0 METs or 10.8 kcal/min*
60 mm running x 10.8 kcal/min =
648 kcal
* ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (4th ed.), 2001.
© National Strength & Conditioning Association Volume 24, Number 1, pages 65-69
The Role of Resistance Exercise in Weight Loss
Jeffrey L. Alexander, MS
Arizona State University-East
Keywords: resistance exercise; weight loss; body fat reduction; resting metabolic rate; fat
oxidation; energy expenditure
• What Is the Role of Weight Training in Weight Loss?
achieved through the creation of a negative energy balance, wherein the amount of energy taken in is less than the amount burned or utilized through physical activity and/or exercise. There are 2 fac-tors to energy balance: energy in-take and energy expenditure. Weight loss can only be achieved through modifying one or both of these factors. The focus of this re-port is on energy expenditure, keeping in mind that any reduc-tion in energy intake will add to the effects of energy expenditure in creating a negative energy bal-ance and a resultant loss in body mass.
• Can WeightTraining or
Resistance Exercise
Significantly Contribute to the Creation of a Negative Energy
In comparison to aerobic exercise such as jogging or cycling, resis-tance exercise appears to have less of an impact on direct caloric
expenditure and on creating a
negative energy balance (Table 1). For example, vigorous resistance exercise might burn only 66% of the calories of vigorous aerobic ex-ercise during the same amount of exercise time. However, rest times between resistance exercises as normally performed during weight training were not accounted for in this example; thus, the amount of calories expended during an hour of resistance exercise was likely overestimated.
Despite the relatively low caloric cost of resistance exercise, this mode of exercise may significantly
affect energy expenditure, but more through indirect than through di-rect means. The indirect effects of resistance exercise on energy ex-penditure are mainly through in-creasing resting metabolic rate (RMR). Resistance exercise also en-hances fat loss specifically through enhanced postexercise fat utiliza-tion, which will aid in weight loss and improved body composition.
Increased RMR
RMR is the amount of energy ex-pended by the body at rest and ac-counts for about 70% of daily energy expenditure (1). An increase in RMR can have a significant im-pact on total energy expenditure and the creation of a negative en-ergy balance. This increase in RMR is especially important when taking into consideration that RMR is generally depressed dur-ing caloric restriction, as when in-dividuals are dieting (13).
Resistance training may sig-nificantly increase RMR by (a) in-creasing fat-free mass (FFM), (b) increasing plasma catecholamine levels, and (c) through acute or postexercise effects.
Increasing FFM
RMR is highly correlated with FFM, which is body mass ac-counted for by muscle, bone, and organ tissue. Because mus-cle mass is the only component of FFM than can be significant-ly altered, the 2 terms will be used synonymously. Muscle mass alone contributes about 22% to RMR (3). Consequently, any gain or loss of FFM may po-tentially alter an individual’s
A number of researchers have looked at the effects of resistance exercise on FFM and subsequent-ly on RMR. For example, in 1992, Ballor and Poehiman (2), using a cross-sectional design, assessed the effects of resistance exercise on RMR against a sedentary con-trol. The resistance-trained group had an average of 2.6 kg more FFM and -7% higher RMR than did the sedentary control group. In 1994, Campbell et a!. (5) exam-ined the effects of a 12-week resis-tance training program on energy expenditure in 12 previously un-trained men and women. At the end of the 12 weeks, the FFM in-creased by 1.4 kg and RMR in-creased 6.8%. When the increase in RMR was expressed relative to FFM, the change in RMR was no
longer significant, suggesting that RMR increased in these partici-pants based on their muscle or FFM gain.
In addition to increasing RMR through FFM, resistance exercise can help maintain muscle mass and RMR during diet-induced weight loss. During a very low calorie diet (VLCD), significant weight loss occurs. Without exer-cise, body fat is lost but muscle mass is also significantly wasted. The result of a significant loss of FFM due to dieting is a reduction in RMR.
Participating in resistance ex-ercise during a VLCD maintains and may even increase FFM. A number of studies support this claim (4, 6). Recently, Bryner et al. (4) examined the effects on FFM and RMR of an 800-calorie diet (VLCD) plus resistance train-ing or aerobic training. Twenty participants were randomized into aerobic exercise plus VLCD or resistance exercise plus VLCD so that the group was evenly dis-tributed between both protocols. The aerobic exercise group lost a significant amount of FFM, but the resistance exercise group maintained FFM throughout the 12 weeks of training. Conse-quently, RMR decreased in the aerobic exercise group but in-creased in the resistance exercise group.
In 1993, Donnelly et al. (6) conducted a study to examine whether muscle hypertrophy or increases in muscle size could occur during severe caloric re-striction (803.1 kcal/d) with resis-tance exercise. Fourteen obese fe-males were recruited for the study and were randomized to either a diet only (C) or a diet plus weight training (WT) group. Women in both groups lost a significant amount of weight; however, the WT group demonstrated signifi-
cant muscular hypertrophy after the 12 weeks of training, but there was no change in the C group. This study suggests that even dur-ing severe caloric restriction mus-cular hypertrophy is not altered during a resistance exercise pro-gram. Maintenance of or an in-crease in FFM will result in main-tenance or an increase in RMR.
In light of the studies re-viewed, resistance exercise may maintain and perhaps increase RMR in dieting and nondieting in-dividuals through an increase or maintenance of FFM.
Increasing Plasma
Catecholamine Levels
Endurance training increases plasma norepinephrine levels (10). The increase in norepinephririe re-suits in an increased carbohy-drate (CHO) and lipid metabolism or breakdown and thus an in-crease in RMR. If the same is true for resistance training, an in-crease in norepinephrine levels should increase RMR. In one study, the effects of resistance ex-ercise on norepinephrine levels in the blood were examined.
In 1994, Prately et ad. (11) per-formed a study that looked at the effect of resistance training on RMR and norepinephrine levels in older men. Thirteen older men (-58 years old) participated in a 16-week heavy strength-training program. RMR and plasma norep-inephrine levels were measured before the program started and after completion. RMR increased significantly (7.7%) as did plasma norepinephrine levels (36%). The results of this study suggest that resistance training increases plas-ma catecholamine levels, resulting in a contribution to increased RMR. The exact contribution of catecholamine levels to RMR was not determined in this study and is still unclear.
Postexercise Effects on RMR
During recovery from exercise, metabolic rate is maintained above resting values, a phenome-non referred to as excess postex-ercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). EPOC may significantly contribute to energy expenditure. However, it has been suggested that for EPOC to significantly con-tribute to energy expenditure after resistance exercise the training must be strenuous (requiring a high volume with a large number of sets and moderate resistance or intensity) (11). The results of sev-eral studies support this hypothe-sis (7, 9).
In 1993, Melby et al. (7) con-ducted a study to examine the acute effects of resistance training on postexercise energy expendi-ture and RMR. Seven male partic-ipants completed 90 minutes of resistance exercise; RMR was then measured for 2 hours postexercise and again the next morning (-15 hours postexercise). RMR re-mained elevated for the 2 hours postexercise and after 15 hours RIVIR continued to remain elevat-ed (+9.4%). Similar results were recently found in female partici-pants following a similar program (9). RMR remained elevated for 3-hours postexercise and remained elevated the morning after exer-cise (+4.2%).
These studies demonstrate the potential for resistance exercise to contribute to energy expenditure. However, because the resistance exercise sessions performed in the previous studies were strenuous (high volume), nonathletes may struggle with or be unable to com-plete such a routine. When devel-oping a resistance training proto-col for untrained individuals with weight loss as a primary goal, strength and conditioning profes-sionals should start the partici-
pant at a lower intensity and grad-ually progress the individual to an intensity appropriate for eliciting maximal increases in RMR.
The contribution of resistance exercise to RMR through in-creased FFM, elevated cate-cholamine levels, and EPOC has been established. Through in-creasing RMR, resistance exercise may contribute to increased daily energy expenditure, net negative energy balance, and therefore in-creased weight loss.
U Increased Fat Oxidation
Fat oxidation, in the simplest terms, is the breaking down of fat for energy. Resistance exercise can cause an increase in fat oxi-dation both acutely and chroni-cally (7, 11). The mechanism by which fat oxidation acutely in-creases is thought to be the in-creased use of CHO to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles (7). Glycogen is the stored form of glu-cose that supplies the muscles with energy during exercise. Be-cause CHO is being stored at a greater rate after exercise than be-fore exercise, the body must utilize fat as a primary source for energy. Increases in fat oxidation may also be attributed to an increase in cat-echolamines, which results in an increased rate of lipolysis or fat oxidation (11).
A few researchers have looked at this relationship between resis-tance exercise and fat oxidation. Recently, Osterberg and Melby (9) measured the effects of resistance exercise on RMR and fat oxida-tion. These authors discovered a 62% increase in fat oxidation 16 hours postexercise. Trueth et a!. (12) found similar results in elder-ly women (12). After 16 weeks of resistance training, resting fat ox-idation had increased by 63% and 24-hour fat oxidation had in-
creased by 93%. The resistance training program used by Trueth et al. was fairly moderate, with a lower volume than that of Oster-berg and Melby. There may be dif-ferences in the effects of resis-tance exercise on fat oxidation in elderly compared with young indi-viduals. If such differences exist, strength and conditioning profes-sionals should take age into con-sideration when prescribing a re-sistance exercise routine for fat or weight loss. Nonetheless, the re-sults for both studies suggest that resistance exercise may play an important role in increasing fat oxidation and, consequently, in-creasing body fat loss.
• Summary
The benefits of regular exercise for weight loss have been established for many years. Traditionally, aer-obic exercise has been prescribed because of its ability to directly af-fect energy balance. Often when calorie restriction is used, body fat is lost but muscle mass is also lost, depending on the severity of the caloric restriction. The loss of muscle mass may result in a de-crease in RMR, which is con-traindicated for weight loss or maintenance of weight after weight loss. Hence, maintaining muscle mass during and after weight loss is an important com-ponent to any weight loss pro-gram.
Resistance exercise has an in-direct impact on weight and fat loss through increasing RMR and enhancing fat oxidation. Increas-ing or maintaining muscle mass or FFM, increasing serum cate-cholamine levels, and enhancing postexercise utilization of energy are all factors that play a role in the ability of resistance exercise to increase RMR. Because resistance exercise maintains or increases muscle mass, even during severe caloric restriction, RMR will re-main elevated or will be main-tained during weight loss. In addi-tion to increased RMR, the rate of fat oxidation is affected both acutely and chronically.
Table Two:
1. Bench press
2. Angled leg press
3. Overhead shoulder press
4. Supine hamstring curl
5. Seated pulley row
6. Knee extension
7. Preacher bicep curl
8. Standing calf raise
9. Lying tricep extension
10. Abdominal crunches
1 10—12
1 10—15
1 10-12
1 10—15
1 10—12
1 10—15
1 10-12
1 10—15
1 10-12
Rest intervals
* Lifts are to be completed in the order listed.
f Rest is defined as rest between lifts and then between sets as individuals perform 2 or more sets.
Practical Application:
What Should Strength and Conditioning Professionals Recommend to Those Who Seek Weight Loss as a Desired Goal (Referring to Exercise)?
Strength and conditioning profes-sionals should prescribe a combi-nation of aerobic exercise and re-sistance exercise for directly burning calories and for indirect-ly burning calories and maintain-ing lean body mass, respectively. For the untrained person, a resis-tance training program should be low volume and low intensity (1 set, 10—12 repetitions maximum ERM]) and should gradually build to a routine with higher volume and moderate intensity (3 or 4 sets, 8—12 PM) to elicit increases
in RMR (Table 2). For a trained in-dividual, simply increase the number of sets, increase the in-tensity, and adjust the number of repetitions accordingly. The exer-cises are ordered in an alternating upper-body and lower-body man-ner to ensure adequate recovery between exercises (8). Through the use of aerobic and resistance ex-ercise, optimal body weight and physical fitness may be obtained. For fitness professionals, the im-portance of aerobic and resistance exercise is clear: to achieve opti-mal health and body weight, we need both. A
• References
1. American College of Sports
Medicine. ACSM’s Resource
Manual for Guidelines for Exer-cise Testing and Prescription
(4th ed.) Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins, 2001.
2. Ballor, D.L., and E.T. Poehl-man. Resting metabolic rate and coronary-heart-disease risk factors in aerobically and resistance-trained women.
Am. J. Clin. Nuti 56:968-974. 1992.
3. Bray, G.A., C. Bouchard, and
W.P.T. James. Handbook of
Obesity. New York: Marcel
Dekker, 1998.
4. Bryner, R.W., I.H. Ullrich, J. Sauers, D. Donley, G. Horns-by, M. Kolar, and R. Yeater. Ef-fects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate. J. Am. Coil. Nutr. 18:115-121. 1999.
5. Campbell, W.W., M.C. Crim, V.R. Young, and W.J. Evans. Increased energy require-ments and changes in body composition with resistance training in older adults. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60:167—175. 1994.
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Jeffrey L. Alexander, MS, ACSM-ES, is a doctoral student in Exer-cise and Wellness at Arizona State University-East. He obtained a BS in Health Promotion and an MS in Exercise Physiology and is an ad-junct faculty member at the Chan-dler-Gilbert Community Colleges, Williams and Pecos Campus. His research focus is on strength training as a prevention and treat-ment for cardiovascular disease and related chronic diseases.
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1. None available.
3. None available.
8. None available.