That and I think he was to big to ignore, there is a time where your company does too much business and your customer base is just too big for the authorities to ignore.
from what I'm gathering the quantity of what he had is considered dispensing without a prescription. there were labeling issues as well.
KEY: If you are pulled over and you have a new set of hemostats, a glass bowl, and rolling papers all new without residue mind you. But there is no evidence of drugs/narcotics in your vehicle THEY ABSOLUTELY CANNOT CHARGE YOU WITH DRUG PARAPHENALIA.
I think that's putting it a little lightly. The guy was f*cked royally. I know the stuff on his research chemicals site wasn't for human consumption but big pharma is looking at like your takin money outta their pocket. And they pretty much run the FDA and definitely have a big influence with the Govmn't. I keep telling everyone I'm leaving the USA I'm gonna move to a small country near Romania.
I live down here in Ga... And its a different world.. The Media says whatever they feel like with no remorse I think they got overzealous jumped in feet first and had to get the Feds involved just to make a caae and not be fucked for 4th amend violations..