Here's another one: the Hammer Strength shoulder press. I useto use that quite often. 'Cept I would sit facing in towards the seat. Really worked my rear delts, that's for sure.
I get asked often how I developed my rear delts... and I've been told by many people that I have the best rear delts they've ever seen. I say this not to sound arrogant... but to stress... I think I found what works.
I once had a total lack of rear delts. I had Arnold's old training partner evaluate my physique years ago to tell me where my weaknesses were. (He was coaching my wife.) He took one look at me and said, "No rear delts."
His prescription... a type of rear delt fly.
I get in the Roman chair... facing down... and do reverse flies. I don't even do too many sets... usually just 2... but it has definitely been effective. I have great rear delts now.
Here's another one: the Hammer Strength shoulder press. I useto use that quite often. 'Cept I would sit facing in towards the seat. Really worked my rear delts, that's for sure.
I get in the Roman chair... facing down... and do reverse flies. I don't even do too many sets... usually just 2... but it has definitely been effective. I have great rear delts now.
I'm having a hard time picturing this - are you talking about the roman chair/hyperextension bench? If so, then I can picture it. If you're talking about the one you hang from by your elbows for leg raises, then I'm clue-less.
I've been seriously negligent about two exercises this past year - rear delt raises and shrugs. I have decent traps, so I don't really worry about shrugs, and I've just been lazy about the rear delt work. Geez - no wonder I have no real development!
Hopefully, adding shrugs and rear delt raises, and focusing on gaining strength in my cleans, rows, and DLs will do the trick!
he means as if you were going to use the roman chair for hyper extensions. Lay extended, the do reverse flyes with either some light dumbells, or you can even use plates. You can even lay down belly first on an incline bench and do reverse flyes.