YEA hey thanks guys lets all go on about the FEEL of the shirt. I'll make sure to "feel" mine when I get it. I can't wait til it gets here. So IRBD where can I check my shirt status so I can "feel" it.
plJay... i have the same name as you.... 2 great powerlifters with the same name !!! (ok fine, 1 great powerlifter, 1 sucky one),
but onto the question...
i'll probably be doing my first serious competition (NJ States) in November. Im wondering how early i should order my shirt and what kind you would recommend?
Well first off find out what organization it is. If they allow denim get a 2x denim with the exact measurements. Get radical cut and velcro back. If you get to fit exact you will invest in a shirt you will have for a long time. Becaus eif you get bigger the shirt fits better, if you get smaller you can bring it in. If you get stronger and not bigger you can bring it in and make it tighter. As far as when to put it on. For a first timer i would wear once aweek for 4 weeks. I usually shirt now 3 weeks out. BUt if you need to learn someting or try new shit in it, give it more time. So 4 to 5 weeks in it 3 sets of singles getting heavier each week. If you do speed work i think most westsiders shirt up after speed. If notr westside shirt up for 3 sets after bench. But before tri's.
OK, tried it last night. Was the weirdest, most uncomfortable experience of my life at first. Then started to feel more comfortable. I went up to 5 lbs over what I was gonna open with raw and hit it without any problems. So I guess I am gonna shirt up tomorrow and give it a go at the meet.
The severe pain under the armpit, towards the back like someone is stabbing you with a knife is normal right? And it is fine that I really can't put my arms down if I had to and gripping the bar wide is a little awkward right?
I think if you have not used this type of shirt before and you dont throw it on for groove and to see what will touch you will be of luck at your meet!
I have another question. I should definitely do at least one single with it during warmups right? I am a low bencher, my opener will be 205. I had to fight with this thing forever to touch 185 last night. Should I try like 195 or 200 in warmups?
You should put the shirt on for yoiur last warmup. So put the shirt on for like 175-185 but you don't have to make it touch just get the feel of it again and bring the bar as low as feels good to get used to the groove again.
I'm sure others can give you better info.
Good Luck tommorow and let us know how it went.
Hey guys well I guess I'm having the same the problem as you and I don't even have the shirt yet. If it doesn't come down is there anyway you can pull the weight down???