I got the Jamaican coffee in Jamaica. lol I should have filled a suitcase with it for my return trip (I will next time) because it's $45 a pound here in the US for Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. Holy
I recently bought some coffee in Kona (Hawaii) over Christmas - it's pretty damn good, too. I was smart enought to bring a few pounds home with me. I've been mixing about a cup of coffee with chocolate isopure and milk lately. It's YUMMY. Tastes like somthing I shouldn't be having. lol
ok. My log is a competition log - meaning that I don't eat or train this way year round. Also - my comp log is taylored to me - based on my BF/muscle/strength/etc. by The Shadow. If you're looking for a good plan, I'd suggest his program, which is a sticky at the top of the women's forum.
Green Tea. I take 2000mg a day of it. Powder capsules.
Emerald Balance - I've noticed that my hair and nails are in better shape. It doesn't taste all that great, tho. Kind of grainy spearmint. lolol
Flax oil - I like the taste of flax oil, and they all pretty much taste the same. Get cold pressed and keep it in the fridge. GNC is currently having a buy 1, get 1 1/2 off. (which still makes theirs more expensive than anywhere else. lolol I hate that store.)
I buy the majority of my supps from:
massnutrition.com - free shipping over $200 - I buy big tubs of protein from them and then don't have to pay the shipping charges. their prices are cheaper than bb.com, but they don't have as big a selection.
I buy PureCEE, Cardio Breeze, etc from Anafit.