If you are getting in a balance of the other nutrieints to meet your calorie needs, the 1 gr. of protein per is fine. However, if you are undereating your carbs/fats, 1 gr. of protein will probably not suffice to build any muscle to speak of.
If you are getting in a balance of the other nutrieints to meet your calorie needs, the 1 gr. of protein per is fine. However, if you are undereating your carbs/fats, 1 gr. of protein will probably not suffice to build any muscle to speak of.
Right, along with the essentials (protein, EFAs, vitamins/minerals, water) you need to make sure you're getting adequate calories (regardless of the source) in order to support growth and weight gain.
Eat 1.5 grams per pound when cutting just to be safe. You can get away wtih 1g, but you may be risking a bit more muscle loss. In the end, just eat less calories than you burn, but not too many. Lose weight too fast and you have a problem.
When bulking i usually go for just the 1gram of protein per pound to to compensate the amount of carbs i am taking in and when cutting 1.5grams. Just as lifterforlife said, if you are getting in enough calories from the other macros then the 1 gram is fine.