my wife is losing lots of weight because of her lack of appetite , I was wondering if she starts taking protein shakes she could at lest keep her current weight, or protein shakes work just when you exercise, thank you.
Protein shakes are great but they don't contain much calories. For weight gain purposes it would probably be best to get a meal replacement shake as they usually contain much more calories than a protein shake.
Whey protein can be the base of a weight gainer type of shake. I would add in things like natural almond butter, fresh or frozen fruit, oats, spinach, kale, etc.
You can even add some avocados for healthy fat on top of the almond butter.
I think whey protein powders are great for people who struggle with appetite. Calorie meals are much less filling then solid food meals. What do you think you would feel more full after eating - a big chicken breast or drinking a shake? The chicken breast obviously.
Remember that a protein shake is just that - protein. If you are trying to gain weight, you also need good quality carbs and healthy fats. I like @masonicbodyuilder's idea. I would blend up the protein shake with some oatmeal, flax seeds, fruit etc. It'll be a much more complete meal that way.