I think the last thing he needs is MORE water Maybe get some delicious Fiber supplementation... metamusil may help get you regular again. Other than that, just have to deal
Here is some sick shit.
I am lactose intolerant like no one else.
So I would mix water with Cytopro WPI.
This still gave ne major shits.
Until one day I woke up late for work started rushing to get ready.
My wife asked me if I wanted her to make my shake.
I said sure why not.
I went to work and I'm drinking this thing and it tastes great.
Couldn't figure out why, and no shits it was incredable.
I called her to find out what she did.
Turns out she used MILK instead of water.
WTF I can't even eat ceral without my whole body killing me.
Thanks for all the advise guys, I think I'm just going to cut out protein powder completely, save my money and eat as much as i can (it is just so much more convinient to drink your protein rather than having to cook all day)
yeah, I would say more water could help. The shits can be caused from dehydration. The more water you drink, the better, and whoever said that water was the last thing you need obviously doesnt know shit! (get it)
dude its your regular bodily response to high protein intake, another price you gotta pay for getting big. id suggest investing in some nice fluffy tp.
If I don't increase the amount of protein I am consuming slowly I have a huge problem. I used to make big jumps in protein consumption -- found myself in the bathroom most of the day. Now when I want to increase, I increase by about 20 to 25 grams a week and don't have much of a problem.