ok, here's the deal. i have 2 powerlifting coaches, and the younger one is a nice guy....but the older one is a fuckhead....he saw me today and told me i could either use their '''strength''' program or i couldnt lift there at all and i could go to the health and fitness place down the road. the bastard told me this in the middle of a workout, and wasted about 5 minutes of my time bitching at me....i would understand his thinking if i HAD to lift during the summer and if i DIDNT have to PAY..i dont think he'll give me my money back if i go somewhere else to lift. anyways, here's the program i have to use....
Day 1: Bench 5x5
Single-Leg Pull 4x6-8
Bar Dips 3x10
Prone Leg Curl 3x12-15
Flyes 4x10-12
Tricep Pushdown 4x8-10
Cable Crossover 3x15
Day 2: Power Clean 3x5
Shoulder Press 4x6-8
Pullover 4x10-12
Rear Delt machine 3x12
side DB raises 3x10-12
hang jumps(what the hell are these?) 4x8@ 25%bodyweit
Day 3: Squat 5x5
Standing leg curl machine 4x10-12
Pull-Ups 3x10
Low Row 4x8-10
Stiff-leg deadlift 4x10-12
Wide grip pulldowns 4x6-8
Day 4: Heavy combo...2 sets of 4 of cleans, into a front squat, into a push press.. 3 sets of 1 pull, 3 power clean, 3 front squat
Snatch 3x5
Lunge 3x12
standing leg curl machine 3x10
DB shoulder press 3x10-12
Leg extension 4x8-12
Upright row 3x8-12
all in all, looks pretty shitty to me. i dont know what to do. i could work out at the school for 14 bucks or at the fintess center for probably 100+ dollars for a summer....sucks shit. i was hoping my coach would be a guy with an open mind and not be a prick
Day 1: Bench 5x5
Single-Leg Pull 4x6-8
Bar Dips 3x10
Prone Leg Curl 3x12-15
Flyes 4x10-12
Tricep Pushdown 4x8-10
Cable Crossover 3x15
Day 2: Power Clean 3x5
Shoulder Press 4x6-8
Pullover 4x10-12
Rear Delt machine 3x12
side DB raises 3x10-12
hang jumps(what the hell are these?) 4x8@ 25%bodyweit
Day 3: Squat 5x5
Standing leg curl machine 4x10-12
Pull-Ups 3x10
Low Row 4x8-10
Stiff-leg deadlift 4x10-12
Wide grip pulldowns 4x6-8
Day 4: Heavy combo...2 sets of 4 of cleans, into a front squat, into a push press.. 3 sets of 1 pull, 3 power clean, 3 front squat
Snatch 3x5
Lunge 3x12
standing leg curl machine 3x10
DB shoulder press 3x10-12
Leg extension 4x8-12
Upright row 3x8-12
all in all, looks pretty shitty to me. i dont know what to do. i could work out at the school for 14 bucks or at the fintess center for probably 100+ dollars for a summer....sucks shit. i was hoping my coach would be a guy with an open mind and not be a prick