That's a good plan, with the cleaning, you might want to make the deads RDls, GMs, or clean/snatch pulls, but thats just a suggestion....I tend to find that when pushing deads and cleans, the cleans suffer.
I don't want to clutter up the journal, but eventually you can build to a loading phase that looks something like this.....
Power Clean
Clean Pull
Back Squat
Flat Bench
Incline D-Bells
Overhead squat or snatch balance as a warm-up
Power Snatch
Snatch Pull
Overhead Press
Front Squat
Good Morning
Incline Press
Some bis for good measure, but not so much to fuck up your pulls
Power Clean
Power Jerk
(or you can just c and j and knock them both out at once)
Back Squat
Jump Shrug
Flat Bench
Close-Grip Bench (as back off sets to the bench)
*some type of core exercises every workout, like decline situps/back hypers supersets or something like that for a warm-up to every workout works well.
Just giving you some ideas, a lot of pulling, but the workload is spread out, and not as taxing on the body in one shot as a Dl session, you can do more work more often and load up nicely.....maybe then work the deads hard on a reduced volume/frequency plan.