lol....I have done different types of plyos as part of my workouts and as workouts unto themselves pretty much as long as I have lifted, so for about 6 years, I put them with a lift sometimes and sometimes use them as a hiit session. I prefer box jumps over tucks Bigguns because they force you to perform maximaly even when you are fatigued.
Bfold what kind of agility are you talking about? I would suggest figureing out what type would be most useful and focusing on that. For example when you flip the tire, if you can drop your hips into position and explode up faster then your time will be faster by a second or two, right? So you might want to try plyos that focus on hip explosiveness and recruitment. The ones bigguns mentioned are all hip type plyo's, plus you could try doing your de squat atf from time to time to build power through the full range of motion.