Debating whether I should run 5/3/1 with standard or box squats. If I get my box squat to where my standard squat is, my standard squat should go up to about 5 plates by theory. Any input?
Box Squats
135x10 (about 5" below parallel)
225x10 (5" below)
315x2 (5" below)
315x4 (3-4" below)
315x10 (about 2" below parallel)
315x15 (parallel)
405x1 (parallel-thought it was gonna be much harder, blasted the weight up and the plates were all over, had to re-rack)
405x3 (parallel)
Safety Bar Good Mornings, Seated
Gonna take some getting used to, the handles smash my clavicles...
Seated Calf Rs.
45x50 (rest/pause)
Couldnt get to 75, maybe next week haha.
Plate Loaded Leg Press
7 sets of 10 (actually 9 on the last set, just couldnt finish the last rep)
Starting with 1 pps, adding a pps on each set...need some volume to get my quads up to par.
Psyched that the box squats went well, at least I know my glutes and hammies are benefitting from the assistance work I've been doing.