Well i started the diet at 245lbs. The 260 wasnt my normal walk aorund weight. I bulked up in between meets to gain strength. Manily water though. I was pretty bloated. And i stayed over 260 for just a short time. I did hang over 250 for awhile though. Again with a good bit of water weight. The 240 to 245 area i am not holding as much. But have 16 to 17% BF. When i return to powerlifting i wanna hang at 12 and under and go around 225 to 230lbs. Make weight for 220's.
Argent, yes i see that too. The guy who took my pics was seated though at the time those were shot. But there are actually quite a few poses i wanna change up. You dont realize hwo they look til you see them on a pic. I got hours of posing to do so i will work on them! Every week is much, i wil post more as i get closer.