New member
Why am I not natural? My face? Jesus Christ, man, I can point out a ton of people with puffy faces who've never touched a weight. My arm size? Are you saying that that's not attainable naturally? Come train with me.
You know, I don't expect a fuckin' cookie or anything, but I have been more than cordial to you ever since I've run into you on this board, and now you're calling me out as a bald-faced liar in front of everyone on this thread. Do you want me to lie and say that I juiced my ass off? Less than a month after this pic was taken, I did start my first cycle. I have threads in the archives that are talking about my progress and ones from before that that were asking info on a good bulking cycle. You think I did all that shit as groundwork for the grand day when I could post some shit-lighted snapshot taken when I was bouncing one night? Give me a fucking break, my friend. An estrogen problem? What the fuck is the matter with you?
Why am I not natural? My face? Jesus Christ, man, I can point out a ton of people with puffy faces who've never touched a weight. My arm size? Are you saying that that's not attainable naturally? Come train with me.
You know, I don't expect a fuckin' cookie or anything, but I have been more than cordial to you ever since I've run into you on this board, and now you're calling me out as a bald-faced liar in front of everyone on this thread. Do you want me to lie and say that I juiced my ass off? Less than a month after this pic was taken, I did start my first cycle. I have threads in the archives that are talking about my progress and ones from before that that were asking info on a good bulking cycle. You think I did all that shit as groundwork for the grand day when I could post some shit-lighted snapshot taken when I was bouncing one night? Give me a fucking break, my friend. An estrogen problem? What the fuck is the matter with you?