Thanks Milhouse
Good Post, man. I bounced with a few guys who were about my size and had never juiced. Just a lot of lifting from their college football days and hoss genetics.
I've seen Havoc get a little shit because he's ripped up and natural- "Man, there's no way you could have built that kind of muscle mass and be at that low of a bodyfat.", or something to that effect. But if you are natural and round faced (I'm not natural now, but was in that pic), then it's because you're retaining water from shooting test.
With a few exceptions (Havoc being the first one that comes to mind), you have to pack down a lot of food, and carry some fat for part of the year, if you want to make natural gains.
Anyway, most of the posts on this thread have been very generous and complimentary, and thanks again to everyone!