Peptide Sponsor Rep

This topic does not apply to me whatsoever but I think it would be interesting to hear how that conversation goes.
So I have a few questions for parents with older kids (late teens and older);
1) Was there ever a time when it became impossible to fully conceal your steroid use? When your child became old enough to notice the obvious signs?
2) If yes to question above, how old were they when this happened?
3) If/when they became aware or at least had suspicion, did they approach you about it?
4) If yes to question above, how did the conversation go? Did you admit to it or deny and play dumb?
5) If your kid approached you at the age of 25 and wanted to start supplementing with AAS, how would you feel about it? (assuming all pre-requisites have been met; diet, training, solid base, training experience, etc.)
6) If you were OK with them using AAS...would you help them acquire it or let them figure it out?
***Feel free to be selective with the questions you want to answer. Not all of these apply to everyone but I think this would be an interesting discussion...and may help those who have not experienced this situation yet but may in the near future.