thx everyone,yah i sat down with my dad,i talked he just didn't want me drink all that protein shakes,i would have 4 a day hehe,but now he sees me doin keto diet he dont argue,just says eat some salad:/ thx Mr X, and everyone for the input
Mindgame, cut the keto diet shit out. Go back to lifting and eating for mass for a couple of years, but eat clean. Once you've gained another 20-30 lbs, then you can rethink dieting. Good luck and don't look at your what those guys on the anabolic page are saying about your post, they're being cruel (I couldn't resist the burglar joke - sorry).
I thought I was being nice. I find bulking hard as hell cause I got use to being very lean and to eat all the time and gain a few % of bf is quite disturbing for me. BUT, it has to be done to gain muscle. Just trying to help.
Check it out mind, tell your pops like this " would you rather me be doing steroids? other then something natural?" plus you are to young for AS don't touch until at least 20 Plus don't let anyone hold you down because you will never achieve nothing you want to and that bullshit about ending your life what up with that no matter how mad your dad gets you just think fuck him he brought me here life is grand. that sounded kind of dumb just do what you beleive in bro and keep reading posts you will become a genious in about a year. trust me