I would like to talk with anyone who has overtrained/over-dieted for an extended period of time to compile an extended list of symptoms and remedies--perhaps for an article. I've been doing extensive research and have come up with a common, general list of symptoms. But I have found much of the material relates to short-term or single session experiences--not with people who have neglected/ignored/or failed to recognize the extent to which they have overtrained and are beyond the "severe fatigue" stage.
I know vetrans should know better and recognize overtraining--but in my personal experience I found syptoms were often sporadic and not extremely severe as independent events. It wasn't until a multitude of syptoms recurred within a short period of time and would not subside that I recognized the obvious. Denial is also a strong overriding factor.
If you've found yourself severely overtrained I'd like to get your input on: What made you realize (confess) that you had overtrained? What symptoms did you notice--over what period of time? How long did it take for you to realize overtraining was the culprit of your woes? How did you combat your syptoms? How long did it take you to recover? Whaere did you find help? What have you changed?
I know vetrans should know better and recognize overtraining--but in my personal experience I found syptoms were often sporadic and not extremely severe as independent events. It wasn't until a multitude of syptoms recurred within a short period of time and would not subside that I recognized the obvious. Denial is also a strong overriding factor.
If you've found yourself severely overtrained I'd like to get your input on: What made you realize (confess) that you had overtrained? What symptoms did you notice--over what period of time? How long did it take for you to realize overtraining was the culprit of your woes? How did you combat your syptoms? How long did it take you to recover? Whaere did you find help? What have you changed?