If the binge is looming right in your face, then I don't think there is anything you can do to stop it. The body can only stand so much deprivation, then it's pay-back time. The best thing is an eating strategy that won't leave you at the mercy of a binge.
Not until I got my diet in line, meaning eating a small meal every 2-3 hours, and each meal containing a balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats, did the urge to binge go away.
It did not happen overnight for me because I was so stubborn about changing my diet. But as I gradually added more healthy food, I found myself craving the unhealthy food less and less. My binges became smaller and less frequent. Now I can't even remember when the last one was.
The eating every few hours was great too, because I never had to fear horrible hunger pangs which inevitably led to binges. When you're not ravenously hungry, you're able to make better food choices. To me there is no "bad" food. If I want it, I eat it, but only after I've eaten my clean food. That way I eat less of the bad food and I don't have any psychological issues with it being off limits.