This may be just me and my past,,but the way i think about Ed's is that you will always live your life with an Eating Disorder. now weather it is an active one or inactive,,that is totally up to you.
I was Anorexic for 5 yrs,,, in the back of my head i still am,,,its just at this point in my life,,,it is not as active as it was before. Even though I eat more food now,,,i only eat certain foods,,and i eat them every singel day,,,so i think that that is still a sign of the ED. For those 5 yrs i was in denial. I never believed i was too skinny,, now when i look back at pictures I can see just how skinny and unhealthy i looked. You need something to change in your life inorder for u to see that. For me,,i have realized,,that by working out,,and gaining muscle,,,i can still look good,,in fact look 100% better. But anyone with an ED knows its not about the food. So in order to overcome the ED,, you need to find out what has caused u to do this. Eating is the only thing You and I,,as ourselves can controle,,, NO one can make us eat. We have total controle over that.