Jlo I truly believe that your the reason may be more psychological. I will be the first to admit that there are times when I have diffculty achieving orgasm (even though I am on the verge the whole DAMNED TIME) because of the thoughts that go through my mind during sex. Before I had children I used to think about how someday I would concieve a child through sex... all I ever wanted out of life was a happy family, so this visualization coupled with the fact that I was making love to a man that I did love very much got me off in like SECONDS... then when the babies came I was a mother! Not allowed to be sexual, heaven forbid have SEXUAL THOUGHTS! Fucked me up for a bit.... then when my ex and I decided, no more kids I was at a loss. What to fantasize about now? It was then that I began enjoying sex for the sake of sex and my apetite increased! Now again, I am nearly divorced.... spent a good time of the past year engaging in all types of "forbidden" activities, sampling life... learned what I DID like and what I DID NOT.
Now I'm back to desiring a committed relationship w/a man who would be my soulmate.... but still - no more kids.
I know it all sounds flaky, but it is difficult for me to separate physical pleasure and intense love-making from procreation... I am getting there in that I have finally accepted that I will never have another baby with a man regardless of how truly amazing he is... sad, on the one hand, but the upshot is that I look at it like this: FOUR CHILDREN couldn't keep me tied to my ex. How amazing would it be to have a man want me - JUST FOR ME and not because of a baby?!
I am sure that my feelings are MY OWN and have nothing to do with you or any other board member. I am only sharing them with you in the hopes that you will see that regardless of how "flaky" you might think you are in this respect, chances are there will always be AT LEAST ONE person out there that is FLAKIER STILL!! hehehehehhee
Re examine your feelings.... it may help.