I have been training for a number of years with a HIIT program that's a cross between powerlifting and BB, primarily because I like it, and for Judo.
Just for fun, Last week I tried both the clean & jerk and the snatch, and realized that I have really been missing something. In other words, I SUCKED.
I am 6'3", 225-230, deadlift 500x3 and squat 275 for reps (25+), but realized that I am severely lacking in true stabalizer strength and technique. When I tried the snatch with 2 35's I just about ruptured my groin and fell over backwards. Talk about a system shock!
My question is: any recommendations about (a) starting out (b) correct technique and aquiring it (c) online resources specifically for Olympic lifting.
To all those who haven't tried these two lifts but fancy themselves fit or strong, I recommend a little lesson in humility and to try them out. I have learned, in short order, that lifting strength has nothing to do with controlling strength, and what a lesson it has been.
Thanks to all who answer.
Just for fun, Last week I tried both the clean & jerk and the snatch, and realized that I have really been missing something. In other words, I SUCKED.
I am 6'3", 225-230, deadlift 500x3 and squat 275 for reps (25+), but realized that I am severely lacking in true stabalizer strength and technique. When I tried the snatch with 2 35's I just about ruptured my groin and fell over backwards. Talk about a system shock!
My question is: any recommendations about (a) starting out (b) correct technique and aquiring it (c) online resources specifically for Olympic lifting.
To all those who haven't tried these two lifts but fancy themselves fit or strong, I recommend a little lesson in humility and to try them out. I have learned, in short order, that lifting strength has nothing to do with controlling strength, and what a lesson it has been.
Thanks to all who answer.