Where on Earth?????
My PC has been down.
Well, well....where to begin, so much has happened since the last time I put up a post.
Well, let's start with the boyfriend. I almost lost 190 pounds in one day. I checked his voicemail on his cell phone and there were three messages from the girl who's phone number I found in his wallet back in July. So, I freaked out on him. He lied to me and told me that she was stalking him and that he hadn't called her back or anything like that. He said nothing happened and that the guys at the gym refer to her as his stalker and they won't let her in the gym anymore.
Well, RED wasn't born yesterday...so when he got up for work he couldn't find his cell phone...

It somehow found it's way under the bed

I don't know how it got there?? But I found it after he left and I redialed her number and got her answering machine. I left a message saying who I was and why I was calling and that if she wanted to talk she could IM me under my AOL screen name because I didn't want her calling the house. Not more than 5 minutes after I logged online she IMed me. We logged off and talked. We talked his cell phone battery dead. She even sent me a conversation that they had online. When we hung up my Scorpion emotions were just raging. So I beat up a tree on my walk and cut and bruised my knuckles. It's a joke now at work that if anyone needs someone beaten up to call me.
She wanted me and Tony to go to Denny's that night because she wanted to get him. She told me that he stopped talking to her about the beginning of August and he started talking to her again in October. And she wanted her closure. She wanted me to get him to Denny's and be sitting there when she came in and she was going to sit down right beside me. All three of us together to face off. Well, Tony and I didn't make it to Denny's.
When he called from work he asked how my day was going and I said just fine until I had a talk with Rebecca. We spent an hour on the phone. I wouldn't tell him I loved him when we hung up and when we got home we went for a walk (so his parents couldn't get into the argument). So we talked. HE told me that they went out twice. Once for coffee and once for a walk in a playground. Both happened at 2.30am, and he said that on the second date, the walk, he kept thinking of how bad he was screwing up and that losing me wasn't worth it. And just as soon as he could he got his ass back home. The time frame is about the same time when she said he stopped talking to her. So there is truth in that. I asked about kissing her and he said no but she said yes. I asked her if she fucked him and she said no (she's somewhat religious). But I didn't feel the need to ask him. So, that night we went out. He said he wanted me to give him the opportunity to make it up...gave me the "if two years ever meant anything let him try to make it up" Like that can be done in one night?? So, while we were out...I kept asking questions. He kept answering them. And my mind went back to the IM conversation when they were talking about the first kiss and I asked him if they kissed and he said no. I asked him again, he got quiet and I told him that if there was never a kiss why were they talking about it? Then he admitted that they did kiss. Right there in Borders I stood up and grabbed my drink and stormed out the door. I flung my drink across the parking lot (two guys sitting outside said Damn she's pissed.). I grabbed my jacket out of the car and started walking. He came out and came after me and asked me where I was going and I said as far away as possible. I gave him his ring back...told him when he was man enough to give it to me and make it mean something to give it back. I was a very cruel woman for a few weeks...very cruel. I said very mean things. Very mean.
Ahhh, but if that wasn't enough....for the next two days...this Girl IMed me whenever I came online. Talking about how she can't wait to meet him face to face with me there. So, I had to work 11-7 Saturday night and she came in the store. We talk for a little while and I called the gym and asked the guy if Tony was there that it was his girlfriend, Candice. He said he hadn't shown up yet. I told him to tell Tony that me and Rebecca were at the WaWa and we were talking. (Keep in mind that she is a stalking joke at the gym) he said he would tell him. So. she goes and drives to the gym and calls were I am working and tells me that he's at the gym and all night long she kept driving to and from where I work and the gym. Finally she stops back by where I work one last time and not more than a few minutes later he shows up with his Mom. And his Mom kicks her out of the store. Tony and I went into the back room and when all was said and done he was on his knees in the begging me not to leave him. I asked him why and the only thing he could say was that there was another girl in this world besides me that was interested in him. (Girls have never took a liking to him in a girl/boyfriend way...they always wanted to be friends). I was the first girl who ever was really interested in him and I was even the first girl he ever has sex with. He said she was nice to him....but he found out that she wasn't as nice as he thought because she wove a wonderful tale of their relationship. He emailed her one last time.........I figured it all out you were a mistake with me. Me and Candice were going through a tough time and I did something I regret and that was meet you. Your a nice person but I was just looking for something else. I did not mean to hurt you but it was the way it happened. Once I realized what I was doing was wrong, I knew my life was with Candice, that's why I stopped talking to you. Then that day I talked to you on line. I was only fucking with you... I was doing homework and talking to my buddy. I did not give a shit about you or your ideas or anything. We also know you were full of shit with some of the things you told Candice. I only wish I had some of the things I sent you to prove you wrong but hey have a nice life.......ahh, but our story doesn't end here. I talked to a couple of friends of his....and Bill told me that Tony said that he had done something bad that he could lose me over if I found out. And this was back in August. He told Bill that I was the most important thing in his life and that he would die if he lost me. Bill told me that sometimes guys make some of the most stupidest mistakes and hurt the one they love the most. Ok, I can live with that........so here I am with all of this Info from different people....her, him, his friends....and I am stuck to sort it all out. And then my birthday comes around......
We go to Philly to stay at his Uncles house....his uncle basically lives at the bar so we have the place to ourselves. I go online and he wants to check to see if his payment to Sprint was posted because his cell phone was off. So we log on the site and guess what I found out you can do? I found out there was a call detail that tells you who your cell phone called and that you can go back three months. And to my surprise....especially after all the calls that she said he made to her....not once since the beginning of August did he call her. Not even on Oct 26 when she said he called last.....that was the weekend we went to Chiller Theater. Not one of her three numbers is on there. So she lied....I also know she lied about saying she went over to Jim's house with him. Because she changed her story... There may have been some truth in what happened but there were also some lies. I asked him if he wanted an open relationship and he said no, that he couldn't stand the thought of another guy touching me the way only he should touch me.
While we were in Philly he wanted me to talk to his Aunt. I talked to her and unlike his mom she didn't take his side. I even heard them talking and she said "You hurt and betrayed her mind, body, heart, and soul. You can't expect her just to forget it and move on, it's going to take a while."
But in all, this might have been what we needed....right now, he is the most loving he has been. So who knows?? Looks like only time will tell. And to beat all.....which did make me happy.....she was not a skinny girl. She looked to be about 230-250 pounds. So, all this time he has been saying that he doesn't like skinny girls and I wouldn't believe him. Well, it's the truth.
Ahhhh, well.....enough of that...........onto ME!!!!!!!
Drum roll please............I am at 298 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!! I jumped on the scale yesterday and I was SOOOO happy. After about 11 years I am finally below 300 pounds!!!!! If I could do a back flip I would.!! I wanted to be there before my birthday but that didn't happen. I was suffering from PMS. The past month both my boyfriend and his cousin have been helping me. Choosing supplements and stuff. They took me off Stackers and put me on something called Diet Boost for a Protein diet user. Tony has been getting me protein shakes and drinks. Hard to eat right when you work at a store that sells subs, but I have been doing it. There is a girl there that is moving into the park where I live and she said that she wants to start walking with me. People who come in the store have noticed and I have even inspired a few of the ladies that come in. And a few of the guys have noticed as well. And that my boyfriend doesn't like but tough shit...LOL.
I told him that once I got my body down where I wanted it I was getting breast implants because I can tell right now that I will be losing what I have. They are already smaller...and I don't like that one bit. He said I could get them as long as we had a contract drawn up where he could visit them twice a year for a weekend and we had to have sex. I asked him if he though he was Bill Gates? So, I agreed. I said what about your new girlfriend? He said that he would break up with her for the weekend because I was and would always be his Baby-Boo. I agreed...if it gets me the implants...LOL. Because if we do break up....he will never find me unless I want him to. I also told him that I was going to have a shirt made as well.....It's going to say "Candice~~Remember my name~~You'll be calling it out later on tonight". He didn't like that one very much at all.
He knows he has screwed up....and he knows that I have changed and I am not the same woman I was before. He tells me that he loves me (I don't say those words first anymore). His Aunt says that she can see he is humble when they have talked. He knows that he messed up...and she also said that she knows that if I was to leave that his world would fall apart because he does love me that much.
Well, that's about it for me...another day in the life........ hope all is well with everyone..