sbt2082 Plat Hero Platinum May 22, 2006 #131 Gymgurl said: I'll keep ya busy..... Click to expand... OK deal I just gotta keep on bustin my @$$ so I can look half as good as all you girls I'll be hanging out with ...
Gymgurl said: I'll keep ya busy..... Click to expand... OK deal I just gotta keep on bustin my @$$ so I can look half as good as all you girls I'll be hanging out with ...
S scorpiogirl Guest May 22, 2006 #132 Hey,'s VERY unlikely that we'll be in the rooms much anyway - unless we're havin' a shindig and all in the same room anyway. You'll def be kept busy! ....and I said behind the sceens already.......
Hey,'s VERY unlikely that we'll be in the rooms much anyway - unless we're havin' a shindig and all in the same room anyway. You'll def be kept busy! ....and I said behind the sceens already.......
que_66 New member May 22, 2006 #133 I know ducky it sucks & I'm sorry....we could have gotten into......errrrr "witnessed" lots and lots of fun
I know ducky it sucks & I'm sorry....we could have gotten into......errrrr "witnessed" lots and lots of fun
B *Bunny* New member May 22, 2006 #134 sbt email about room issues, we'll get it worked out ... Last edited: May 22, 2006
S scorpiogirl Guest May 22, 2006 #135 OK, sbt, you're in our room! We have a two room suite, so there's plenty of room. I'll e-mail you my confirmation so you can see cost.
OK, sbt, you're in our room! We have a two room suite, so there's plenty of room. I'll e-mail you my confirmation so you can see cost.
B *Bunny* New member May 22, 2006 #136 scorpiogirl said: OK, sbt, you're in our room! We have a two room suite, so there's plenty of room. I'll e-mail you my confirmation so you can see cost. Click to expand... Me & SG got dibs on the King ***pillow fight***
scorpiogirl said: OK, sbt, you're in our room! We have a two room suite, so there's plenty of room. I'll e-mail you my confirmation so you can see cost. Click to expand... Me & SG got dibs on the King ***pillow fight***
S scorpiogirl Guest May 22, 2006 #139 LOL - pillow fight!!!!! YEY!!!!!! OK, girls, we got a fridge, microwave and I'm bringing my Foreman Grill just in case we need it!
LOL - pillow fight!!!!! YEY!!!!!! OK, girls, we got a fridge, microwave and I'm bringing my Foreman Grill just in case we need it!
Gymgurl Plat Hero Platinum May 22, 2006 #140 Where are we gonna put Nelms...or is he considered one of us?? LOL