Oh I got something to b*tch about, this fat azz man at the gym, that's so arogant that it's sick. Jack azz looks like he's about 8 1/2 months pregnant, about to pop. Any how so I'm about to warm up my legs with the leg press (that I haven't done in months) so I put 2 plates on each side (180lbs) to warm-up and dude comes over and says are you going to be long cause I need to do the leg press, so me being nice
I say oh I'm just started but we can share, he says well (like a damn jerk) I need to add another plate to each side to do my workout so no I'll just wait, I'm going heavy, and gives me a nasty grin.
So I go and do my work of 20 reps with the 2 plates on each side, then begin my work out, adding a plate each set. Last set was 4 plates on each side, and a 10 on each side (380lbs)
When I was done I went off to him, and said oh you said you use 3 plates right, so I should take that extra weight off for you then, and just stood there grinning at him. Damn jackazz, revenge is sweet