I SO totally agree with u. My sister is a fourth grade teacher and she has to deal with this bullshit all year long. And she gets paid total SHIT. Her principle is a BITCH who doesn't care about the students themselves, only about test scores. Like, my sister has reported 4 incidences of suspected abuse (she works in a REALLY bad school in miami), like almost 6 months ago, and has complained about it to the principle, and still nobody has checked on these kids. HORRIBLE,OBVIOUS, cases of abuse, (2 sexual). And she has no power to help... She's called DCF directly, and NOTHING!!! NOBODY CARES< AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!!!!! (Good thing I'm not on 'roids cause we'd have a few dead people on our hands!
) Teachers should get paid more then doctors, then we'd wouldn't have such a freakin' shortage!!!!!
Daisy, u and my sister are my heroes, there is no way in Hell I could do what ya'll do!!!
Good luck on the baby!!!!