New member
Not surprised.
The media industry has to go along with the facade of scarcity to make money as do most industries.
We got the patriot act, all this GPS crap that can track you anywhere, cameras everywhere, is it any surprise that big brother eventually wanted to control cyberspace too.
Then again the net was created originally by DARPA sort of so.... it is natural progression.
Pretty soon we will end up just like China... super rich and super poor with Americans working in sweatshops because nothing else exists.
As well as tremedous censorship laws... which is funny because China makes most of the bootleg stuff anyway.
Wait... don't them and other countries own a large part of our debt.....
Big Bad America reduced to a mewling kitten eventually on the world stage.
Then Mexico and Canada will have issues with illegal Americans trying to cross their borders lol,
Mexico already has that problem, it's just that those illegal Americans are ATF agents toting automatic weapons into the country so we can track the guns based on who all they kill.
Outstanding plan!