Hey Guys! Well Coming to End with my cycle. Am Very happy with the results and strength gains I received. I made it to 170lbs exactly.
Here are my weight increases:
Bench: 185x4 -----> 225x7
Leg Press: 540x10 ------> 720x12
Leg Extension: 155x12 ----> 205x12
Barbel Bicep Curls: 65x12 -----> 100x8
Deadlifts 225x8 ----> 300x5
I got a special treat for you all.
As you read in the the beginning of my thread I had a bad start with the original gear I had bought. I switched it out with a different source.
Here is what I ran
600mg Venom Test E for 14 weeks.
HCGenerate @ 5 a day.
The HCGen made my bawls stay nice and plump the whole time. I felt great on it.
Here is my blood work at the end of my cycle. This test was taken 16 hours after last injection.
My Estrogen is High, as I had a hard time finding my adex sweet spot. Ill try and get this lowered before my PCT.