djufo said:
Are you serious bro??. That's what I wanted to hear!!...of course I know where is Haulover beach but never been there...that info is very good!. That shit with the cops makes sense for me...imagine if there is no control at all, how would be that beach with all the people doing what they want...It will be Sodoma & Gomorra, full of freaks filming behind the trees. check this out.
c ya!!
YEah, no fuckin kidding, believe me, after being in beach with a fine babe and a bottle of Bacardi GOld, and the sun, and....just touching your girl all day, man.... you can't help it.... I first was playing with her asshole while she was lieing face down and the lifeguard prick came and said, "stop that shit in the beach", then like an hour later we were in the water, weren't humping but some heavy making out and she was straddling me, but no boner here, and they called us out, called two metro date cops, one detective who questioned my grilfreind extensively to make sure she wasn't being raped (fuck , I am her f-boyfreind!

), and even after all the explanation to the cops, they asked us to get our stuff and get in the car (all polite, thank god no harrasing shit), we went got our stuff, (I inadvertantly left the bacardi burried in the sand

), got in the squad car and they took us down the beach to some station and had us there for an hour, and gave us a fucikin police report or whatever they call it (yellow paper) with charges on "intercourse".... we had to walk back about 1/2 mile or more to the car (doesn't sound like alot, but it sure felt like a long walk).
I concur about no sex on the beach, but I was just doing a little touching of her ass when I was outside

Would I go back? Yeah, I am a dog, I have been back, but made sure we were away from teh lifeguard station and no sexual touching