warner threw 22 picks this year... if he has a playoff game where he throws 2 or 3 they will lose. the rams defense isnt nearly as good as they appear, hell the offense is the defense... the reason teh d is good is because come 2nd qtr or 2nd half the other team is forced to abandon game plan and throw throw throw... the teams the rams had trouble with (eagles, bucs, giants, saints) all have good defenses that can hit warner...
i think the packer rams game should be a good one and i think the rams will not make the superbowl... do i think they are the best team in the league? yes... but they make mistakes and if they make them in the playoffs they will lose.
i think the packer rams game should be a good one and i think the rams will not make the superbowl... do i think they are the best team in the league? yes... but they make mistakes and if they make them in the playoffs they will lose.