Hey Everyone!
Sassy and everyone...Bunny, SuperQT, tps...your support is amazing to me. Sassy don't be crazy now...driving 7 hours! The pose in my avatar is something my trainer came up with. I had Russ Testo design my routine which I have been practicing over and over again...doesn't include that pose, but would like to add it in there, maybe replace another pose. My concern is the routine includes alot of the front of me and I think my back and glutes have really become my strength. MEeting with my trainer on Sunday so hopefully we can change the routine a bit. Very nervous about being on stage, but Ikeep telling myself that is when all of the endless hours of waking up at 4 and being at the gym for three hours sometimes (on those days I have to get chest, bis, calves, abs and cardio in...like tonight) is WORTH IT! Cannot tell you how much everyone's support means
It's true my husband is the most patient and supportive person I have ever known. He inspired me to do this contest and has been a constant support through it all! I am LUCKY!!!! Sassy....he has a brother, but nothing like him...but I have an ULTRA CUTE and ULTRA RIPPED friend of his.....
If you are ever in the area....
Thanks Everyone! Will Keep you posted!