I had just about everything that could go wrong with a cycle happen. I got injured(2 weeks no lifting) 3 weeks into a 8 week cycle of sos 500mg and deca 250 mg a week . Then after 4 weeks my deca went bad so I switched to 250mg of Aratest a week with the 500mg of sostenon. I wonder about the effectiveness of the sos because it was lloffler.
I started a 6'0 200lbs and now I am maybe 210. I am definetely stronger and some what bigger (it seems I have loss fat around the middle and gained in upper and lower body.
I wanted to hit 230 . In all fairness I probably didn't eat as much as I could have. But have fixed that now and I believe I can put on the mass now. Oh I am on week 7 now. So I wondering can I just do another 6 weeks of Test200 at 500mg/wk and and winny 350mg/wk before I go off cycle? I would like to really hit my goal.
I started a 6'0 200lbs and now I am maybe 210. I am definetely stronger and some what bigger (it seems I have loss fat around the middle and gained in upper and lower body.
I wanted to hit 230 . In all fairness I probably didn't eat as much as I could have. But have fixed that now and I believe I can put on the mass now. Oh I am on week 7 now. So I wondering can I just do another 6 weeks of Test200 at 500mg/wk and and winny 350mg/wk before I go off cycle? I would like to really hit my goal.