After a cycle, when your hormone levels are completely fucked up, you start your PCT in order to get things back in order. You eat a lot to prevent losing weight. Hopefully you can gain some even.
If however you goto the gym, you cause micro trauma to your muscles, instead of repairing and building new muscle, the body now allows the muscle tissue to break down due to low concentration of maintanance hormone levels.
Every time I have done PCT, I have stayed out of the gym, just eating like a beast and relaxing.
I have never had a problem with losing all my gains...
Whats your thoughts on this?
When coming of a cycle the main goal is to keep as much gains as you can. At least for most people. Except what if your whole cycle was geared around fat lose and cutting?
When your whole cycle was geared around maintaining muscle size and strength well dropping body fat. Does PCT,diet,and training change when it comes time for PCT?
After all for you the goal when the cycle is over is still the same. To get threw PCT with out losing muscle,and or gaining fat.
Heh seems pretty damn tough PCT predicament you got yourself into don't it. Its likely you have been running below cals,taking clen,t-3,steroids like winny,primo,masteron and others. Lots of cardio maybe? High volume training?
When the contest prep or cutting cycle is over most often people just say AAAAAHHH fuck it and let the weight pack on. What if you don't want that though? What then. These questions have many answers and they depend on many factors.
However I will attempt to make a common rule of them for coming off a cutter and everything you can do to keep the muscle,strength well not gaining tons of BF at the same time.
I will address each factor 1 by 1. Feel free to object all you like and throw in what works for you. This is just a basic outline.
Coming off any cycle this is a common question everyone wants to know. Do I keep training as often, with the same level of intensity,same work out,same weights,same reps. What about cardoi.
1. when you come off cycle wether its a bulk cycle,cut cycle,lean bulk it don't matter. You can not train as often as you did when you were on. Yes you can still bust your ass every day you step into the gym but its a fact my friends "your muscle are not recovering as fast and you have to adjust training for this reason"... No way around it no matter what. So be it coming off bulking or cutting or what ever Less time in the gym and more time off recuperating is key. focusing on the big basics and doing them right.
A 3 day or 4 day training split. Something like this would work but its up to you to put the training together.
Day 1 ON
Day 2 ON
Day 3 OFF
Day 4 ON
Day 5 OFF
Day 6 ON
Day 7 OFF
Or any variation of but the point it allowing your muscle more time to rest.
What about killing them muscles and beating the crap out of them? gain sorry if you are not genetically gifted its a no go.
Lower the reps and raise the weights. focusing on the big basics all exercises to be done strict with focus one adding weight to the bars each week.
yes you may lose some strength when coming of but if you cut it bac to the basics, get plenty of rest, eat right, and take the right sups then this does not have to be the case.
Now I am sure you are wondering about cardoi? 10-15 min warm ups before work outs. 1-2 long sessions on off days. Thats plenty and do not over do it.
So to sum up training when coming off cycle.
1. cut back to the basic lifts,
2. focus on the core compound lifts most, with adding weight to the bar as the main goals
3. Add in some other lifts but do not over do it. Even these should be lower reps with more weight and not a tun of volume.
4. lower volume down not mean less intensity. What ever you do put as much effort into it as always.
5. A little more rest time between sets 1-2 mins
6. sleep,rest,sleep,rest give your body the rest it needs.
7. Keep up with cardoi but do not start going nuts with it thinking its going to help you keep the fat off. muscles will suffer.
Ok you were below cal maintenance well on your cycle and that was fine because steroids helped. Now what?
No more super fast nutrition retention,no more steroids helping you recover faster. Sure does suck don't it. Guess what its about to suck even more. Unless you can get this one perfect your screwed (again genitally gifted need not apply thanks)
Kick calories up to just above maintenance and Protein better be a big part of the kick up 50/30/20 is a good idea
if you keep it real clean you should not have a problem. Not eating enough during this time is the most common down fall of all. Most people think they are not on so they should eat less. Or maybe they think eating a lot less will save them from gaining fat again... Again your muscles will suffer and in the end so will body fat% Just keep it clean and eat more not less.
You are going to gain some BF% back but if done right its not going to be a crap load... Don't be the guy who freaks out and losses his head just because it happens. Stick to the plan.
OK PCT and sups when coming off.
So First thing is first. Recovering the nuts back,getting test flowing is the main focus. We all have that special PCT we hold dear to our hearts. BIG DEAL!!!! (genetically gifted need not comment)
Ok the basic recovery PCT
Clomid and or nolva
post cycle and Unleashed blah blah blah blah
The reason for this thread is not to discus what to use to recover your hpta. Get take something and get it done. All of them work for many different reasons but that is for a whole different topic not this thread. Clomid and nolva are not going to add anything extra to the recovery process or two helping keep off the bf% and preserve muscle mass though. There job=help recover hpta thats it. Not nutrition retention,not burn fat,not more blood volume,not give you more energy,focus,make you feel better in any way shape or form. Strictly recovery of the hpta thats it nothing more nothing less. They can work for what they need to work for but thats all they are for.
So what other sups can you take with your PCT to help get threw the PCT after a cut?
If you were on clen then a CNS fat burner is not the best choice but switching to a Thermo fat burner like forged post cycle or others for the first few weeks can help.
If t-3 was part of the cycle then a natural Thyroid helping product is a good idea ZIP works well. Add Taurine as well.
A NO+energy product combo that is not loaded with extra useless cals,sugars,and fillers. combos that can help
lipostim AM dose
amo2+forged burner or if you need more kick Am02+lipostim for pre work out as well.
Creatin post work out only or at least avoid using any sugar filled flavored brands. Useless cals is not what you want at this time. Ethyl ester or rawmcc threw out the day is fine.
BCAA's threw out the day. Of course I think gear will be perfect for this but what ever just use them threw out the day. Again just avoid any sugar filled flavored liquid kinds.
Feel free to add what ever you like. Ask any questions you like, fill in anything I missed.
We are all a team.
Can be switched up a bit for after a bulking cycle but its about the same ideas.