What's a safe caloric deficit and is it necessary to spike your insulin?
Hey All
I've gotten conflicting answers about this, so any experts out there, please help me with this! It took me over 3 years to do it, but I lost 175 pounds doing a whole lot of cardio training and cutting calories and kept it off for 2.5 years. I had a personal trainer during 1 year of that and got my body fat % down to 20%, but that was at its all-time low. I recently had a baby and I'm trying to cut 20 pounds (I swear it's ALL in my legs!) and get to 18% bf. I'm currently doing strength training, but I would still like to lose fat! How many calories can I realistically cut while trying to maintain my current muscle (and possibly gain muscle). Should I continue to follow the 2:1 carb/protein ratio post-workout? My strength training instructor says I don't need more than 5 carbs in a post-workout shake, but everything I read says otherwise. I'm loving this new strength training routine and I get pretty excited about the results. I workout mostly in hypertrophy, but doing a bit of cycling.
Hey All
I've gotten conflicting answers about this, so any experts out there, please help me with this! It took me over 3 years to do it, but I lost 175 pounds doing a whole lot of cardio training and cutting calories and kept it off for 2.5 years. I had a personal trainer during 1 year of that and got my body fat % down to 20%, but that was at its all-time low. I recently had a baby and I'm trying to cut 20 pounds (I swear it's ALL in my legs!) and get to 18% bf. I'm currently doing strength training, but I would still like to lose fat! How many calories can I realistically cut while trying to maintain my current muscle (and possibly gain muscle). Should I continue to follow the 2:1 carb/protein ratio post-workout? My strength training instructor says I don't need more than 5 carbs in a post-workout shake, but everything I read says otherwise. I'm loving this new strength training routine and I get pretty excited about the results. I workout mostly in hypertrophy, but doing a bit of cycling.
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