Last I benched was 195x8, I've switched off the bar for a while and am working w/ the dumbbells. I worked with the 75's for dumbbells when I switched over, and now I work with the 85's. I don't know if it improved my bar bench any I'm assuming a little bit but not that much, I think moving from 75's to 85's was mostly getting more stability. I tried these weird sized 87's today but wasn't happy with my form and went back to the 85's, don't know what it was more the added 2Ibs per side or the odd shaped weight. Either way looks like I'm w/ the 85's for a bit longer that or I'll go back to the bar.
Squats are at 185x10 Ass to the floor, parrallel last I did was 245x10. I like ATF more, I think the hardest part about parrallel is getting used to the weight on your back. I also think I tend to rest between dipping down a little too much.
Chins I do w/ a 40Ib weight for 8 then I drop it and continue.
Dips I do, w/ a 50Ib for 10, I love dips, though sometimes I try so hard to get one more rep I feel I'm going to tear my arms off, I do them leaning forward for more chest activity.
I think my bi's tri's suck, I'm not even sure where I'm at w/ them. Partly because I do them after back/chest respectively and they are tired before I begin. I hate doing them.
Shoulder press is 50s or was it 55s hmm damnit. Logs at the gym, I do them sitting w/o a back support, though I think I'm going to use a back support for now on last time I pulled somesort of muscle in my neck. The backing I feel makes it a bit easier, since you tend not to be 100% straight up and down in doing them. It was prolly 50s and I was trying the 55s when I got hurt figures.
Sometimes for bench I found it helps to goto a heavy weight that you can get about 3 reps (but don't fatigue out) then go back to your normal weight, seems so much easier often I get more reps that way. CNS jolt I guess.
I posted a pic at one point where I only weighed 170IB (I weigh 180Ib now) It was after cardio so I was flat I looked like a runt probally still do.
There it is, I'm about the same bf% now, but 10IB heavier. damn scrawny in that picture, need carbs