oh so you use a squat rack!! hehe that clears it all up! at my gym they don't have one, the lazy bums! but I have seen one before, it's just that I used to train at home for years so I never went to any gym for a looooooooooong time.
are you gonna cut at this stage already? hmmm, that's interesting.....or was your goal not specifically bulking?
now, I'll try ta help you with your bis:
the routine I used when I first started out seriously was(keep in mind that I also trained my back and bis on the same day);
standing barbell curls
hammer curls
concentration curls
now, when you said that your bis suck, didya mean size, definition or.........?
anywayz, these exercises REALLY worked for me, added a couple inches in NO time flat.
now, you said your bis are spent when you do all your back exercises? well the logical thing for me to say would be to cut down on those back exercises so you have more energy to work your bis, but if you hate doing bis then you probably wont listen to me anywayz!

but I always think it's important to be balanced, that's why I always try to improve my muscle groups that lag behind. well, that's my two cents!