I'm very interested in losing wt and training, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions in regards to using cytomel with clen and deca? Any suggestions or advise is greatly appreciated. I'm 5'6" 165lbs, want to lose 35lbs. Thanks
I'm very interested in losing wt and training, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions in regards to using cytomel with clen and deca? Any suggestions or advise is greatly appreciated. I'm 5'6" 165lbs, want to lose 35lbs. Thanks
start with a clean diet- which is 90% of your results, do some training and you'll lose weight. it is not necessary to take drugs to get in great shape.
I usually take ephedrine to keep me going and when I'm in the last couple of weeks of dieting I might take clen. But I would not recommend you to start in that direction....
just my 2c....
Deca will not give you the results you want. Deca is not a good choice for females (especially novice AAS users), nor is it a fat burner. Deca will not really aid in losing fat.
To lose 35 lbs, focus on diet. Diet, diet, diet. Eat clean consistently, train hard and rest. Water intake it high. The only supplement I would recommend is Thermorexin (www.anabolicfitness.net) because of it's appetite suppression effects. Save the Clen for when you are about 12% BF.
T3, don't even consider it. It is NOT a smart choice. Losing 35 lbs is more about changing your habits, not taking random supplements.
Post up what you eat, and your training....we can help change that to help give you results.