Whats going on guys...havent been on in some time now but i wanted to get some feedback on my new routine since there so many knowlegable bros on here with some good advice. Every 3 or so months I take a week off from everything dealing with the gym (weights cardio diet) and revamp everything so i dont get sick of it. Please critique my new workout ill be starting today:
Monday, Wednesday: Upper Body
Tuesday, Thursday: Lower body
Cardio: 15 min before and 15 min after
(once I hit 10 reps add weight until i can only bang out 6 reps then build back to 10 then repeat)
tryin to stay as lean as possible while gaining some quality mass and muscle. diet is keyed in
Monday: Sets Reps
Shoulder Shrugs 1 6 to 10
Incline Bench 3 10,8,6
Pull-ups 1 fail
Pullovers 1 6 to 10
flat bench (DB) 2 6 to 10
DB lateral raise 1 6 to 10
seated cable rows 1 6 to 10
scapular retraction 1 6 to 10
chest press (flat) 1 6 to 10
lat pull down 1 6 to 10
military press 1 6 to 10
row 1 6 to 10
flye 1 6 to 10
reverse flye 1 6 to 10
external rotation 1 6 to 10
tricep press down 1 6 to 10
cable curl 1 6 to 10
hand gripper 1 6 to 10
forearm (overhand) 1 6 to 10
Tuesday: Sets Reps
Hang cleans/ deadlifts 3 6 to 10
Romanian Deadlifts 2 6 to 10
Leg Press 2 6 to 10
Leg Curl (stomach) 2 6 to 10
One leg press 1 6 to 10
One leg curl 1 6 to 10
hip flexor 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (out) 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (in) 1 6 to 10
Standing Calf Raises 1 6 to 10
Back Extension 1 15
Crunches (machine) 1 25
Torso Twist (machine) 1 40
Reverse Crunch 1 15
Wednesday: Sets Reps
Shoulder Shrugs 1 6 to 10
Flat bench 3 10,8,6
Pull-ups 1 fail
Pullovers 1 6 to 10
Incline bench (DB) 2 6 to 10
DB front raise 1 6 to 10
seated cable rows 1 6 to 10
scapular retraction 1 6 to 10
chest press (incline) 1 6 to 10
lat pull down 1 6 to 10
military press 1 6 to 10
row 1 6 to 10
chest lateral raises 1 6 to 10
reverse flye 1 6 to 10
internal rotation 1 6 to 10
tricep press down 1 6 to 10
cable curl 1 6 to 10
hand gripper 1 6 to 10
forearm (underhand) 1 6 to 10
Thursday: Sets Reps
Squats 3 12,10,8
Butt machine 2 6 to 10
Leg Press 2 6 to 10
Leg Curl (stomach) 2 6 to 10
Lundge/ DB step up 1 6 to 10
One leg curl 1 6 to 10
hip flexor 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (out) 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (in) 1 6 to 10
Standing Calf Raises 1 6 to 10
Back Extension 1 15
Crunches (floor) 1 25
Torso Twist (floor) 1 40
Side Bends 1 15
Monday, Wednesday: Upper Body
Tuesday, Thursday: Lower body
Cardio: 15 min before and 15 min after
(once I hit 10 reps add weight until i can only bang out 6 reps then build back to 10 then repeat)
tryin to stay as lean as possible while gaining some quality mass and muscle. diet is keyed in
Monday: Sets Reps
Shoulder Shrugs 1 6 to 10
Incline Bench 3 10,8,6
Pull-ups 1 fail
Pullovers 1 6 to 10
flat bench (DB) 2 6 to 10
DB lateral raise 1 6 to 10
seated cable rows 1 6 to 10
scapular retraction 1 6 to 10
chest press (flat) 1 6 to 10
lat pull down 1 6 to 10
military press 1 6 to 10
row 1 6 to 10
flye 1 6 to 10
reverse flye 1 6 to 10
external rotation 1 6 to 10
tricep press down 1 6 to 10
cable curl 1 6 to 10
hand gripper 1 6 to 10
forearm (overhand) 1 6 to 10
Tuesday: Sets Reps
Hang cleans/ deadlifts 3 6 to 10
Romanian Deadlifts 2 6 to 10
Leg Press 2 6 to 10
Leg Curl (stomach) 2 6 to 10
One leg press 1 6 to 10
One leg curl 1 6 to 10
hip flexor 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (out) 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (in) 1 6 to 10
Standing Calf Raises 1 6 to 10
Back Extension 1 15
Crunches (machine) 1 25
Torso Twist (machine) 1 40
Reverse Crunch 1 15
Wednesday: Sets Reps
Shoulder Shrugs 1 6 to 10
Flat bench 3 10,8,6
Pull-ups 1 fail
Pullovers 1 6 to 10
Incline bench (DB) 2 6 to 10
DB front raise 1 6 to 10
seated cable rows 1 6 to 10
scapular retraction 1 6 to 10
chest press (incline) 1 6 to 10
lat pull down 1 6 to 10
military press 1 6 to 10
row 1 6 to 10
chest lateral raises 1 6 to 10
reverse flye 1 6 to 10
internal rotation 1 6 to 10
tricep press down 1 6 to 10
cable curl 1 6 to 10
hand gripper 1 6 to 10
forearm (underhand) 1 6 to 10
Thursday: Sets Reps
Squats 3 12,10,8
Butt machine 2 6 to 10
Leg Press 2 6 to 10
Leg Curl (stomach) 2 6 to 10
Lundge/ DB step up 1 6 to 10
One leg curl 1 6 to 10
hip flexor 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (out) 1 6 to 10
Hip Abduction (in) 1 6 to 10
Standing Calf Raises 1 6 to 10
Back Extension 1 15
Crunches (floor) 1 25
Torso Twist (floor) 1 40
Side Bends 1 15