Ive tried every way of doing cardio and I can offer form personal experience that the results achieved from doing cardio on hte morning on an empty stomach with eca will yield results that are beyond comparison with any other way.
Every competetive BB I know does cardio this way to get to 4-5% for a show. It Works. PERIOD!!!
The only people that are disputing the effectiveness are those are too damn lazy to do cardio and instead rely on drugs to lose weight.
There is NOT ONE SINGLE Person that I know of, that has done regular cardio in the AM with dedication that didn't have excellent results. And NO, strength loss has never been an issue for any of them.
The only people that are disputing the effectiveness are those are too damn lazy to do cardio and instead rely on drugs to lose weight.
There is NOT ONE SINGLE Person that I know of, that has done regular cardio in the AM with dedication that didn't have excellent results. And NO, strength loss has never been an issue for any of them.
I am on week two of doing 40-60 minutes of AM cardio... took one day off last Saturday. Already I am leaner and my strength was actually better this week. I think you are correct. I too searched for the study to support my lazy ass from getting out of bed.
The only people that are disputing the effectiveness are those are too damn lazy to do cardio and instead rely on drugs to lose weight.
There is NOT ONE SINGLE Person that I know of, that has done regular cardio in the AM with dedication that didn't have excellent results. And NO, strength loss has never been an issue for any of them.
I have done considerable AM cardio. Big waste of time. I got far more ripped eating less and training right. For the NPC Championships I got down to 6% bf with no cardio and no clen. How did you do in the NPC's JA?
I have done considerable AM cardio. Big waste of time. I got far more ripped eating less and training right. For the NPC Championships I got down to 6% bf with no cardio and no clen. How did you do in the NPC's JA?
Are you asking me what I do? Well, when cutting I would pop 2 NYC's at 6AM. By 6:30AM I would get on the threadmill on an empty stomach and run for about 45 minutes at 65%. Afterwards, I would have egg whites, oatmeal and a cup of coffee and go to work.
going around in circles aint gonna get anybody anywhere!
nelson is sitting on a new concept not yet accepted by the majority but is definitely worth looking into. i wouldnt be surprised if in 5 years time, a.m cardio will be remembered in the same fashion as the 'for a great morning workout eat a huge bowl of pasta before bedtime'.