ALright guys so I need a new routine to help me get motivated again. I want something based around the 5x5 but more than just that. I made a 4 day isolation split but I dont feel good having to wait 7 days before I can lift that muscle group again. I also see best strength gains when I do something like a 5x5. I just need it to be more than madcows 5x5. Im just gonna post a routine that i just came up with it and please critique it. My goals are to get stronger, getting bigger is not a problem for me as the juice will do that easily and I dont care about size.
1 handed pushups 3xF
Heavy squats 5x5
Heavy Bench 5x5
Heavy hang clean 5x5
Db Press 4x8
DB Curls 4x10
Deadlifts 5x5
BTN Military 5x5
Pullups 4xF
DB Military 4x10
DB Rows 4x10
Light squats 4x20
GHR 4x10
Light Bench 4x5, 1x3, 1x20
Dips 4x8
CGBP 4x8
Calves 4xF
1 handed pushups 3xF
Heavy squats 5x5
Heavy Bench 5x5
Heavy hang clean 5x5
Db Press 4x8
DB Curls 4x10
Deadlifts 5x5
BTN Military 5x5
Pullups 4xF
DB Military 4x10
DB Rows 4x10
Light squats 4x20
GHR 4x10
Light Bench 4x5, 1x3, 1x20
Dips 4x8
CGBP 4x8
Calves 4xF
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