New member
Time to switch up routines to break through some plateaus I've been stuck at. I've outlined a proposed split w/exercises below, any comments would be appreciated.
Currently my split is:
Abs/Forearm/Cardio (skipping the cardio too much)
Just added squats and deads, which I like, but otherwise, things aren't working well. Chest and bi's are stuck, I've switched from flat press to incline, and the opposite for DB; I think some of the problem may be that I have been working them on Mondays, a day I often feel "weak".
For the 3 months prior it was:
My new plan is:
Calves / Forearms / Abs
Chest / Shoulders
Legs / Back
Putting calves on Monday since they're still responding and my stongest body part overall. Bis/Tris on Friday, cause it's a shorter workout, and the ability to superset every now and then may help break through. Really not sure about doing chest and shoulders on the same day.
3 sets 8-10 reps for all
Day 1 Calves/Forearms/Abs
Seated Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raise
optional: Sled 45% or Donkey Calf Raise
Reverse Seated (or Standing or Sled 45%) Calf Raise
BB Wrist Curls
DB Wrist Extensions/Reverse Curls
Weighted Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises
DB Side Bends
Day 2 Chest/Shoulders
DB Press
Seated (machine) or Lying DB Fly
Incline DB Press
Cable Fly
Military Press or Behind neck Press or Arnold Press
Upright Row (cable or ez bar)
Lateral DB Raise
Bent Over Row
Day 3 Legs / Back
BB Lunge
Leg Press ?? I'd rather skip these
Leg Curl
Straight-leg Deadlift
Seated or Bent Over Rows
WG Pulldown
Day 4 Biceps / Triceps
BB Curl
Incline DB Curl
Preacher Curl
Hammer Curl or Reverse BB Curl
Triceps press down
French Press/Skull Crusher
Thanks for reading this far
Comments or suggestions?
Currently my split is:
Abs/Forearm/Cardio (skipping the cardio too much)
Just added squats and deads, which I like, but otherwise, things aren't working well. Chest and bi's are stuck, I've switched from flat press to incline, and the opposite for DB; I think some of the problem may be that I have been working them on Mondays, a day I often feel "weak".
For the 3 months prior it was:
My new plan is:
Calves / Forearms / Abs
Chest / Shoulders
Legs / Back
Putting calves on Monday since they're still responding and my stongest body part overall. Bis/Tris on Friday, cause it's a shorter workout, and the ability to superset every now and then may help break through. Really not sure about doing chest and shoulders on the same day.
3 sets 8-10 reps for all
Day 1 Calves/Forearms/Abs
Seated Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raise
optional: Sled 45% or Donkey Calf Raise
Reverse Seated (or Standing or Sled 45%) Calf Raise
BB Wrist Curls
DB Wrist Extensions/Reverse Curls
Weighted Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises
DB Side Bends
Day 2 Chest/Shoulders
DB Press
Seated (machine) or Lying DB Fly
Incline DB Press
Cable Fly
Military Press or Behind neck Press or Arnold Press
Upright Row (cable or ez bar)
Lateral DB Raise
Bent Over Row
Day 3 Legs / Back
BB Lunge
Leg Press ?? I'd rather skip these
Leg Curl
Straight-leg Deadlift
Seated or Bent Over Rows
WG Pulldown
Day 4 Biceps / Triceps
BB Curl
Incline DB Curl
Preacher Curl
Hammer Curl or Reverse BB Curl
Triceps press down
French Press/Skull Crusher
Thanks for reading this far

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