overhead New member Aug 14, 2003 #11 Looks good to me, now you just have to figure out what foods you are going to eat to hit those fat/protein grams right. I have a hell of a time trying to stuff down 3300 cals of high fat/high protein food.
Looks good to me, now you just have to figure out what foods you are going to eat to hit those fat/protein grams right. I have a hell of a time trying to stuff down 3300 cals of high fat/high protein food.
R Rob29 New member Aug 15, 2003 #12 What foods are high on protien/fats that way i know where to start.
overhead New member Aug 15, 2003 #13 Check www.c-k-d.com. I believe there is a list of food that should give you a good idea about what you should and should not eat.
Check www.c-k-d.com. I believe there is a list of food that should give you a good idea about what you should and should not eat.
overhead New member Aug 15, 2003 #15 Thanks GeoffGarst, honestly I probably got most of the info from Bodybyfinplix and a little trial and error, mostly error
Thanks GeoffGarst, honestly I probably got most of the info from Bodybyfinplix and a little trial and error, mostly error