Thanks so much to both of you!
Currently this is what my diet looks like (used to be much worse - so even though it looks BAD it's an improvement):
Breakfast - 1-2 cups of coffee w/ cream and sugar. I forget or don't have time to eat usually.
Lunch - If I pack - Side salad w/ romane lettus, grape tomoatoes, cheese, baby carotts, oil and vinnegar dressing. One Michellena's frozen dinner (alfredo & chicken, Cheesburger caserole, etc)
Dinner - Either Pork chops, steak, hamburgers, hamburger helper, with either instant mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, pasta salad, and one veggie - canned beans, peas, corn, spiniach, or frozen, brocolli, limas, etc.
Then later in the night I will eat a few cookies, or oatmeal pie, or bowl of icecream. Sometimes drink a beer or glass of wine too.
I know your thinking - how could this be an improvement? BEcause I used to eat out at Mcdonalds like 4 times a week for 2-3 meals a day. PUKE!!!!!
Thanks so much ladies....I have looked at some of your pictures and it's amazing to me that you carried 2 and 3 babies and look like you do! It gives me some hope. Although I know I won't ever look that good, I can get close.
How do you find time to workout so much? Do you work or SAHM?
Oh, and is it possible for a chubby person like me to get looking that good?
(((hugs))) Thanks!!!!