It kinda sounds like a detox diet of sorts. I'm not sure it would be great for "bodybuilding" tho. 30% protein isn't really much to build much muscle on and the pile of fruit will be high in simple sugar.
If you wanted to follow this diet, I'd probably do it as part of a planned phase - e.g. follow a much higher protein type bodybuilding or competition diet for e.g. 12 weeks and then do this diet for 2 weeks or so -- the idea being a very strict and optimized competition diet sort of keeps you to chicken / steak / fish / protein mix, good starches like sweet potatos and fats like almonds, flax seed oil, and such, veggies like broccoli, spinach, beans. No colorful veggies or fruits anywhere in there or very limited due to the higher GI. This is great for burning and cutting, but it also eliminates a lot of the really good enzymes and stuff that come from colorful veggies & fruits that your body uses to shuttle out the by-products from the daily processes of metabolism and can sort of leave you potentially not running as efficiently as you really should be.
So then you cycle over to a short detox diet very high in fruits / veggies and much lower protein.
And than back onto whatever is your next diet.
IMO that diet w/ the fewer low GI starches and it doesnt' look like there's a lot of fat in there either would leave you startign to get really tired after 2 weeks.