e2 Elite Mentor Platinum Saturday at 4:23 AM #12 Hard to believe your weight but everybody is different. You might have a small bone structure.
2Thick Elite Mentor Platinum Saturday at 4:29 AM #13 Man. Good start to this log. I think you're going to have an amazing time. Very nice work that you put together.
Man. Good start to this log. I think you're going to have an amazing time. Very nice work that you put together.
Vadim Fedorov Chairman Member Chairman Member Saturday at 4:34 AM #14 This will be a mega good log to follow. I'm definitely in and we'll be following you.
wootoom MODERATOR Elite Moderator Chairman Member Saturday at 4:38 AM #15 Good job, getting in some jogging and the chest workout looks great.
JasonPriest Moderator Moderator Saturday at 4:45 AM #17 Nice job getting the post-workout of incline walking that goes a long way.
BodyMonster34 Chairman Member Chairman Member Saturday at 4:52 AM #18 Bro, I want to see some red meat in this log, not enough, being eaten.
Quadsweep Top 5 Jr. USA Lt/hvy weight Chairman Member Saturday at 4:58 AM #19 Keep up the good work champ. We love you. The food looks fantastic, but make sure you're getting some pictures.
Keep up the good work champ. We love you. The food looks fantastic, but make sure you're getting some pictures.
Mk11kh V.I.P. EF Logger Saturday at 7:29 AM #20 The aromasin is arriving today should I start it right away or wait and do e2 labs in a few weeks?