Ok... I just posted this in Desmond's thread, but it was the worst thread hijack in EF history so I deleted it.. A few bros have asked me about my diet and I have responded in PMs. I am going to post my typical daily diet here for all to see. This is a cut/paste from some I PMs I sent.....
I am a mix of an Endo/Meso. I put on muscle easily, but my body would love to be +20% body fat. I am not recommending this diet to anyone, but it is working good for my needs. I do not suffer from the constant up and downs associated with my past carb consumption. I really enjoy the sustained energy from the high fat intake, and strength gains are great. I am down from ~225 to 214-217 depending on the day. I dropped 5 pounds of glycogen the first week. I am getting stronger and it does appear I am losing body fat. The ultimate goal here is LBM gain. Fat Loss is just an added bonus. My BF levels are just fine for now, and to allow for additional bulking. I think that eating a diet like this will allow for an easy transition to full blown keto dieting when the time comes to strip the fat.
Non Training Day Diet
Meal 1: 6 Whole Omega 3 eggs + 1/2 cup egg whites scrambled with 4-6oz of turkey sausage and 1-2oz of cheddar cheese. 2g fish oil and 2g CLA
Meal 2: 75g Whey Isolate (soon to be Whey iso/egg white/casein blend) mixed with either 8 tblsp of heavy cream or 2 tblsp Olive oil. 2g Fish Oil (this is my busy time at work, I can not get a solid meal in here)
Meal 3: 10-12oz Sirloin tip roast or 93% rinsed ground beef. 2 cups of either broccoli/Asparagus/Green beans with 1-2tblp Smart Balance Spread. 1-2oz almonds/pistachios/cashews. 2g fish oil 2g CLA
Meal 4: Same as 3
Meal 5: Same as 3, but 10-12oz Chicken Cutlets
Meal 6: Same as 5, sometimes same as meal 1
Meal 7: 50g Micellar Casein, 25g Whey Iso, 5g Psyllium husk, 2g Fish oil
Ok let me say... i aim for around 500 grams of protein a day. Sometimes I get 600+ sometimes I barely get 500. It all depends on the day. This is the only real macro I am counting at this time. AS you can see my fat intake is through the roof. If you want to figure it out, please do so lol. Carb intake is minimal. The food I eat that contains the highest amount of carbs is cashews, and I do not eat these every day. Three days a week I have 80g WMS split between pre and post workout. I also take a few tablespoons of Glycerol mixed with bcaa a day (I just started doing this) I have not carb loaded yet, and I have been eating this same diet for going on eight weeks. I am usually very flat come Monday morning. After training on Monday and taking in the WMS and three tblsp of Glycerol split between pre/pwo I swell up and stay full most of the week. I was actually thinking of carb loading this Saturday for the first time though, just to see how my body reacts. Probably around 8-10g per KG of body weight while keeping fat intake minimal. Mostly high glycemic carbs too. Mmm... fat free waffles and syrup lol
I am very satisfied with this diet at the moment. I am not really asking for a critique here, but I thought I would share because some have shown interest. If anyone sees something that doesn't look right, or that would make this possibly work better, please share. Thank you for reading
I am a mix of an Endo/Meso. I put on muscle easily, but my body would love to be +20% body fat. I am not recommending this diet to anyone, but it is working good for my needs. I do not suffer from the constant up and downs associated with my past carb consumption. I really enjoy the sustained energy from the high fat intake, and strength gains are great. I am down from ~225 to 214-217 depending on the day. I dropped 5 pounds of glycogen the first week. I am getting stronger and it does appear I am losing body fat. The ultimate goal here is LBM gain. Fat Loss is just an added bonus. My BF levels are just fine for now, and to allow for additional bulking. I think that eating a diet like this will allow for an easy transition to full blown keto dieting when the time comes to strip the fat.
Non Training Day Diet
Meal 1: 6 Whole Omega 3 eggs + 1/2 cup egg whites scrambled with 4-6oz of turkey sausage and 1-2oz of cheddar cheese. 2g fish oil and 2g CLA
Meal 2: 75g Whey Isolate (soon to be Whey iso/egg white/casein blend) mixed with either 8 tblsp of heavy cream or 2 tblsp Olive oil. 2g Fish Oil (this is my busy time at work, I can not get a solid meal in here)
Meal 3: 10-12oz Sirloin tip roast or 93% rinsed ground beef. 2 cups of either broccoli/Asparagus/Green beans with 1-2tblp Smart Balance Spread. 1-2oz almonds/pistachios/cashews. 2g fish oil 2g CLA
Meal 4: Same as 3
Meal 5: Same as 3, but 10-12oz Chicken Cutlets
Meal 6: Same as 5, sometimes same as meal 1
Meal 7: 50g Micellar Casein, 25g Whey Iso, 5g Psyllium husk, 2g Fish oil
Ok let me say... i aim for around 500 grams of protein a day. Sometimes I get 600+ sometimes I barely get 500. It all depends on the day. This is the only real macro I am counting at this time. AS you can see my fat intake is through the roof. If you want to figure it out, please do so lol. Carb intake is minimal. The food I eat that contains the highest amount of carbs is cashews, and I do not eat these every day. Three days a week I have 80g WMS split between pre and post workout. I also take a few tablespoons of Glycerol mixed with bcaa a day (I just started doing this) I have not carb loaded yet, and I have been eating this same diet for going on eight weeks. I am usually very flat come Monday morning. After training on Monday and taking in the WMS and three tblsp of Glycerol split between pre/pwo I swell up and stay full most of the week. I was actually thinking of carb loading this Saturday for the first time though, just to see how my body reacts. Probably around 8-10g per KG of body weight while keeping fat intake minimal. Mostly high glycemic carbs too. Mmm... fat free waffles and syrup lol
I am very satisfied with this diet at the moment. I am not really asking for a critique here, but I thought I would share because some have shown interest. If anyone sees something that doesn't look right, or that would make this possibly work better, please share. Thank you for reading